WorkbenchMessages.RootLayoutContainer_problemsRestoringPerspective, null);
// Remove the default editor workbook that is
// initialy created with the editor area.
if (children != null) {
StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() {
public void runWithException() throws Throwable {
EditorStack defaultWorkbook = null;
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
LayoutPart child = (LayoutPart) children.get(i);
if (child.getID() == DEFAULT_WORKBOOK_ID) {
defaultWorkbook = (EditorStack) child;
if (defaultWorkbook.getItemCount() > 0) {
defaultWorkbook = null;
if (defaultWorkbook != null) {
// Restore the relationship/layout
IMemento[] infos = memento.getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_INFO);
final Map mapIDtoPart = new HashMap(infos.length);
for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
// Get the info details.
IMemento childMem = infos[i];
final String partID = childMem.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PART);
final String relativeID = childMem
int relationship = 0;
int left = 0, right = 0;
float ratio = 0.5f;
if (relativeID != null) {
relationship = childMem.getInteger(
Float ratioFloat = childMem
Integer leftInt = childMem
Integer rightInt = childMem
if (leftInt != null && rightInt != null) {
left = leftInt.intValue();
right = rightInt.intValue();
} else if (ratioFloat != null) {
ratio = ratioFloat.floatValue();
final EditorStack workbook [] = new EditorStack[1];
StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() {
public void runWithException() throws Throwable {
// Create the part.
workbook[0] = EditorStack.newEditorWorkbook(EditorSashContainer.this, page);
// 1FUN70C: ITPUI:WIN - Shouldn't set Container when not active
IMemento workbookMemento = childMem
if (workbookMemento != null) {
final int myLeft = left, myRight = right, myRelationship = relationship;
final float myRatio = ratio;
StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() {
public void runWithException() throws Throwable {
// Add the part to the layout
if (relativeID == null) {