if( ! isReadOnly )
if( this.exposeAddAction )
final SapphireAction addAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_ADD );
final List<SapphireActionHandler> addActionHandlers = new ArrayList<SapphireActionHandler>();
final org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener addActionHandlerListener = new org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener()
public void handle( final org.eclipse.sapphire.Event event )
if( event instanceof PostExecuteEvent )
if( TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.isDisposed() )
final Element newListElement = (Element) ( (PostExecuteEvent) event ).getResult();
if( newListElement != null )
final TableRow row = findTableRow( newListElement );
TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.tableViewer.setSelection( new StructuredSelection( row ), true );
if( TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.isDisposed() )
TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.tableViewer.editElement( row, 0 );
TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.notifyListeners( SWT.Selection, null );
final PossibleTypesService possibleTypesService = property.service( PossibleTypesService.class );
final Runnable refreshAddActionHandlersOp = new Runnable()
public void run()
addAction.removeHandlers( addActionHandlers );
for( SapphireActionHandler addActionHandler : addActionHandlers )
for( ElementType memberType : possibleTypesService.types() )
final SapphireActionHandler addActionHandler = new AddActionHandler( memberType );
addActionHandler.init( addAction, null );
addActionHandler.attach( addActionHandlerListener );
addActionHandlers.add( addActionHandler );
addAction.addHandler( addActionHandler );
final org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener possibleTypesServiceListener = new org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener()
public void handle( final org.eclipse.sapphire.Event event )
possibleTypesService.attach( possibleTypesServiceListener );
new Runnable()
public void run()
addAction.removeHandlers( addActionHandlers );
for( SapphireActionHandler addActionHandler : addActionHandlers )
possibleTypesService.detach( possibleTypesServiceListener );
if( this.exposeDeleteAction )
final SapphireAction deleteAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_DELETE );
final SapphireActionHandler deleteActionHandler = new DeleteActionHandler();
deleteActionHandler.init( deleteAction, null );
deleteAction.addHandler( deleteActionHandler );
new Runnable()
public void run()
deleteAction.removeHandler( deleteActionHandler );
if( ! property.definition().hasAnnotation( FixedOrderList.class ) )
final SapphireAction moveUpAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_MOVE_UP );
final SapphireActionHandler moveUpActionHandler = new MoveUpActionHandler();
moveUpActionHandler.init( moveUpAction, null );
moveUpAction.addHandler( moveUpActionHandler );
new Runnable()
public void run()
moveUpAction.removeHandler( moveUpActionHandler );
final SapphireAction moveDownAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_MOVE_DOWN );
final SapphireActionHandler moveDownActionHandler = new MoveDownActionHandler();
moveDownActionHandler.init( moveDownAction, null );
moveDownAction.addHandler( moveDownActionHandler );
new Runnable()
public void run()
moveDownAction.removeHandler( moveDownActionHandler );
final org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener moveActionHandlerListener = new org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener()
public void handle( final org.eclipse.sapphire.Event event )
if( event instanceof PostExecuteEvent )
// This is a workaround for a weird problem on SWT on Windows. If modifier keys are pressed
// when the list is re-ordered (as in when issuing move up or move down command from the
// keyboard), the focused row can detached from selected row.
final Element element = getSelectedElement();
final TableItem[] items = TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.getItems();
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
if( items[ i ].getData() == element )
TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.setSelection( i );
moveUpAction.attach( moveActionHandlerListener );
moveDownAction.attach( moveActionHandlerListener );
final ElementsTransfer transfer = new ElementsTransfer( element().type().getModelElementClass().getClassLoader() );
final Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { transfer };
final DragSource dragSource = new DragSource( this.table, DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE );