Package org.eclipse.persistence.sdo

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty


        List openProps = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < openProps.size(); i++) {
            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)openProps.get(i);
            Object value = getValueFromObject(dataObject.get(nextProp), types);
            type.setInstanceProperty(nextProp, value);

        List openPropsAttrs = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentPropertiesAttributes();
        for (int i = 0; i < openPropsAttrs.size(); i++) {
            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)openPropsAttrs.get(i);
            Object value = getValueFromObject(dataObject.get(nextProp), types);
            type.setInstanceProperty(nextProp, value);

        if (!type.isDataType()) {
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    private SDOProperty buildPropertyFromDataObject(DataObject dataObject, Type containingType, List types) {
        String nameValue = dataObject.getString("name");
        Object typeObjectValue = dataObject.get("type");

        SDOProperty newProperty = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);

        Type typeValue = (Type)getValueFromObject(typeObjectValue, types);

        if (typeValue != null) {
            if (typeValue == SDOConstants.SDO_BYTES) {
            } else if (typeValue.isDataType()) {
                if (isBaseTypeBytes(typeValue)) {

        if (dataObject.isSet("containment")) {
        } else {
            if (typeValue != null) {


        List aliasNames = dataObject.getList("aliasName");
        for (int i = 0; i < aliasNames.size(); i++) {
            Object aliasName = aliasNames.get(i);

        Object opposite = dataObject.get("opposite");
        if (opposite != null) {
            if (opposite instanceof SDOProperty) {
            } else if(opposite instanceof DataObject) {
                SDOProperty prop = (SDOProperty)typeValue.getProperty(((DataObject)opposite).getString("name"));
                if(prop != null) {

        // set the default only if the default on the dataObject is set
        if (dataObject.isSet("default")) {

        List openProps = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < openProps.size(); i++) {
            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)openProps.get(i);
            Object value = getValueFromObject(dataObject.get(nextProp), types);
            newProperty.setInstanceProperty(nextProp, value);

        List openPropsAttrs = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentPropertiesAttributes();
        for (int i = 0; i < openPropsAttrs.size(); i++) {
            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)openPropsAttrs.get(i);
            Object value = getValueFromObject(dataObject.get(nextProp), types);
            newProperty.setInstanceProperty(nextProp, value);

        //verify that this property has a type set bug 5768381
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        SDOType typeType = this.getType(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.TYPE);

        openContentProperties = new HashMap();
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.MIME_TYPE_QNAME, SDOConstants.MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY);
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY_QNAME, SDOConstants.MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY_PROPERTY);
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.SCHEMA_TYPE_QNAME, new SDOProperty(aHelperContext, SDOConstants.ORACLE_SDO_URL, SDOConstants.XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_NAME, typeType));
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.JAVA_CLASS_QNAME, SDOConstants.JAVA_CLASS_PROPERTY);
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.XML_ELEMENT_QNAME, SDOConstants.XMLELEMENT_PROPERTY);
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.XML_DATATYPE_QNAME, new SDOProperty(aHelperContext, SDOConstants.SDOXML_URL, SDOConstants.SDOXML_DATATYPE, typeType));
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.XML_ID_PROPERTY_QNAME, SDOConstants.ID_PROPERTY);
        openContentProperties.put(SDOConstants.DOCUMENTATION_PROPERTY_QNAME, SDOConstants.DOCUMENTATION_PROPERTY);
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        getGeneratedBuffers().put(new QName(sdoType.getURI(), sdoType.getName()), classBuffer);

        java.util.List props = sdoType.getDeclaredProperties();
        int propsSize = props.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < propsSize; i++) {
            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)props.get(i);
            buildGetterAndSetter(classBuffer, nextProp);
        return classBuffer;
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        public boolean evaluate(SDODataObject dao) {
            Object queryVal = queryValue;
            Object actualVal = null;

            SDOProperty prop = dao.getInstanceProperty(propertyName);
            try {
                SDOXMLHelper sdoXMLHelper = (SDOXMLHelper) dao.getType().getHelperContext().getXMLHelper();
                queryVal = sdoXMLHelper.getXmlConversionManager().convertObject(queryValue, prop.getType().getInstanceClass());
            } catch (ConversionException e) {
                // do nothing

            List values;
            if (!prop.isMany()) {
                values = new ArrayList();
            } else {
                values = dao.getList(prop);
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        List allProperties = copy.getInstanceProperties();// start iterating all copy's properties
        Iterator iterProperties = allProperties.iterator();
        while (iterProperties.hasNext()) {
            SDOProperty eachProperty = (SDOProperty);
            if (dataObject.isSet(eachProperty)) {
                Object o = getValue((SDODataObject)dataObject, eachProperty, null);
                if (eachProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    if (!eachProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                        // we defer sequence updates at this point
                        copy.setInternal(eachProperty, o, false);// make copy if current property is datatype
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            ArrayList aList = (ArrayList)ncPropMap.get(sourceDO);

            // iterate property list
            for (Iterator propIterator = aList.iterator(); propIterator.hasNext();) {// p.142 limit scope of while by using for
                // get current property
                SDOProperty aProperty = (SDOProperty);

                 * Stored in the map we have
                 * doMap: (a=key, a'=value)
                 * ncPropMap (a=key, (list of props)=value
                 * We get the copy from the doMap
                 * We get the copy of the source by doing a get on the current source do

                // get original object that sourceDO points to via current property
                Object targetDO = sourceDO.get(aProperty);

                // flag whether the property is inside the copy tree
                boolean isPropertyInsideCopyTreeScope = false;

                // get sourceDO copy that we will be setting the property on
                DataObject sourceDOCopy = null;

                // lookup copy of targetDO in map
                Object targetDOCopy = null;

                 * Handle 1-n many case
                 * For containment=true
                 *   the DO's will be cached previously, and both bidirectional (one) and unidirectional
                 *   properties will set the copy on the copy object
                 * For containment=false
                 *   the DO's will not be cached (outside the tree), only unidirectional properties
                 *   will be set using the original list
                if (aProperty.isMany()) {
                    // create new list to hold copied list items
                    ListWrapper targetList = (ListWrapper)targetDO;

                    // get source\DO copy that we will be setting the property on
                    sourceDOCopy = (DataObject)doMap.get(sourceDO);

                    // lookup copy of targetDO in map
                    targetDOCopy = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0, size = targetList.size(); i < size; i++) {
                        // get sourceDO key - used as a lookup in our doMap
                        DataObject sourceDOCopyKey = (DataObject)targetList.get(i);
                        DataObject sourceDOCopyValue = (DataObject)doMap.get(sourceDOCopyKey);

                        // add copy to new list
                        if (sourceDOCopyValue != null) {
                            // bidirectional/unidirectional inside copy tree - use copy object
                        } else {
                            // non-containment properties are not cached - store original for unidirectional

                    // check if the target copies are in our map (inside copy tree scope)
                    // when containment = false then targetDOCopy is empty
                    // Assume: all items in the list share the same property
                    isPropertyInsideCopyTreeScope = ((List)targetDOCopy).size() > 0;
                } else {
                    // handle 1-1 DataObject
                    // lookup copy of targetDO in map
                    targetDOCopy = doMap.get(targetDO);

                    // get sourceDO copy that we will be setting the property on
                    sourceDOCopy = (DataObject)doMap.get(sourceDO);

                    // check if the target copy is in our map (inside copy tree scope)
                    isPropertyInsideCopyTreeScope = targetDOCopy != null;

                // set nc property if we are in the copy tree
                // check if the target copy is in our map (inside copy tree scope)
                if (isPropertyInsideCopyTreeScope) {
                    ((SDODataObject)sourceDOCopy).set(aProperty, targetDOCopy, false);
                } else {
                    // only set unidirectional properties
                    if (null == aProperty.getOpposite()) {
                        // spec 3.9.4 set property to original object when unidirectional
                        ((SDODataObject)sourceDOCopy).set(aProperty, targetDO, false);
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                aVSPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getDeclaredProperty(i);
                // only iterate set properties
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetDeclaredProperty(i)) {
                    // shallow copy the object values
                    // handle single case
                    SDOProperty currentProperty = (SDOProperty)anOriginalObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(i);
                    if (currentProperty.isMany()) {
                        propertyToOriginalListMap.put(aVSPropertyItem, currentProperty);

                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(currentProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(currentProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // COMPLEX SINGLE
                        if (!currentProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            // are we using the cast to DataObject as a sort of instance check that would throw a CCE?
                            aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // SIMPLE SINGLE
                            // skip changeSummary property
                            if (!currentProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                                // simple singles set
                                aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aVSPropertyItem);
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        //  start iterating all copy's properties
        for (Iterator iterInstanceProperties = copy.getInstanceProperties().iterator();
                 iterInstanceProperties.hasNext();) {
            SDOProperty eachProperty = (SDOProperty);
            boolean isSet = isSet(dataObject, eachProperty, cs);
            if (isSet) {
                Object o = getValue(dataObject, eachProperty, cs);
                if (eachProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    if (!eachProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {

                         * ChangeSummaries must be cleared with logging set to the original state without creating oldSettings.
                         * The logging flag from the original will be set on the copy after this copy call completes
                         * and gets set on its container.
                         * The cs is off by default in the copy object.
                         * updateSequence flag is false - we will populate the sequence in order after subtree creation
                        copy.setInternal(eachProperty, o, false);
                } else {
                    // case matrix for containment and opposite combinations
                    // cont=false, opp=false -> unidirectional
                    // cont=false, opp=true  -> bidirectional
                    // cont=true,  opp=false -> normal containment
                    // cont=true,  opp=true  -> bidirectional
                    if (eachProperty.isContainment()) {
                        // process containment properties (normal, half of bidirectionals)                       
                        copyContainmentPropertyValue(copy, eachProperty, o, doMap, ncPropMap, cs);
                    } else {
                        // copy non-containment do (not properties (unidirectional, half of bidirectionals))
                        //copyPropertyValue(dataObject, copy, eachProperty, o, copyRoot, doMap);
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     * Get the value from the wrapped POJO, wrapping in DataObjects as
     * necessary.
    public Object getDeclaredProperty(int propertyIndex) {
        SDOProperty declaredProperty = (SDOProperty) dataObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(propertyIndex);
        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty(declaredProperty);
        Object value = mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);
        if (null == value || declaredProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
            if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {
                return new JAXBListWrapper(this, declaredProperty);
            } else {
                return value;
        } else if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {
            ListWrapper listWrapper = listWrappers.get(declaredProperty);
            if (null != listWrapper) {
                return listWrapper;
            listWrapper = new JAXBListWrapper(this, declaredProperty);
            listWrappers.put(declaredProperty, listWrapper);
            return listWrapper;
        } else {
            if(declaredProperty.isContainment()) {
                return jaxbHelperContext.wrap(value, declaredProperty, dataObject);
            } else {
                return jaxbHelperContext.wrap(value);
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty

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