Package org.eclipse.persistence.mappings

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping

     * INTERNAL:
    protected void prepareOneToOneSelectionQuery(OneToOneMapping sourceMapping, AbstractSession session) {
        // Clone the mapping because in reality that is what we have, that
        // is, a 1-1 mapping to each class of the hierarchy.
        OneToOneMapping oneToOne = (OneToOneMapping) sourceMapping.clone();
        // Update the target keys to have an empty table (descriptor will figure it out)
        for (DatabaseField targetField : oneToOne.getTargetToSourceKeyFields().keySet()) {
            targetField.setTable(new DatabaseTable());
        addSelectionQuery(oneToOne, sourceMapping, session);
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process a one to one setting into an EclipseLink OneToOneMapping.
    public void process() {
        // Initialize our mapping now with what we found.
        OneToOneMapping mapping = initOneToOneMapping();
        if (m_mappedBy == null || m_mappedBy.equals("")) {
            // Owning side, look for JoinColumns or PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.
        } else {   
            // Non-owning side, process the foreign keys from the owner.
            OneToOneMapping ownerMapping = null;
            if (getOwningMapping(m_mappedBy).isOneToOneMapping()){
                ownerMapping = (OneToOneMapping)getOwningMapping(m_mappedBy);
            } else {
                // If improper mapping encountered, throw an exception.
                throw ValidationException.invalidMapping(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass());

            Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> targetToSourceKeyFields;
            Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> sourceToTargetKeyFields;
            // If we are within a table per class strategy we have to update
            // the primary key field to point to our own database table.
            if (getDescriptor().usesTablePerClassInheritanceStrategy()) {
                targetToSourceKeyFields = new HashMap<DatabaseField, DatabaseField>();
                sourceToTargetKeyFields = new HashMap<DatabaseField, DatabaseField>();
                for (DatabaseField fkField : ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().keySet()) {
                    // We need to update the pk field to be to our table.
                    DatabaseField pkField = (DatabaseField) ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(fkField).clone();
                    sourceToTargetKeyFields.put(fkField, pkField);
                    targetToSourceKeyFields.put(pkField, fkField);
            } else {
                targetToSourceKeyFields = ownerMapping.getTargetToSourceKeyFields();
                sourceToTargetKeyFields = ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields();
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            // metadata.
            OneToManyMapping mapping = new OneToManyMapping();
            // Non-owning side, process the foreign keys from the owner.
            OneToOneMapping ownerMapping = null;
            if (getOwningMapping(getMappedBy()).isOneToOneMapping()){
                ownerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) getOwningMapping(getMappedBy());
            } else {
                // If improper mapping encountered, throw an exception.
                throw ValidationException.invalidMapping(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass());
            Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> keys = ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields();
            for (DatabaseField fkField : keys.keySet()) {
                DatabaseField pkField = keys.get(fkField);
                // If we are within a table per class strategy we have to update
                // the primary key field to point to our own database table.
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize a OneToOneMapping.
    protected OneToOneMapping initOneToOneMapping() {
        OneToOneMapping mapping = new OneToOneMapping();
        // Process the indirection.
        // Set the getter and setter methods if access is PROPERTY.
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                return associations;

            public void setAttributeValueInObject(Object object, Object value) {
                OneToOneMapping mapping = (OneToOneMapping)object;
                List associations = (List)value;
                mapping.setSourceToTargetKeyFields(new HashMap(associations.size() + 1));
                mapping.setTargetToSourceKeyFields(new HashMap(associations.size() + 1));
                Iterator iterator = associations.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Association association = (Association);
                    mapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().put((DatabaseField)association.getKey(), (DatabaseField)association.getValue());
                    mapping.getTargetToSourceKeyFields().put((DatabaseField)association.getValue(), (DatabaseField)association.getKey());
        sourceToTargetKeyFieldAssociationsMapping.setXPath(getSecondaryNamespaceXPath() + "foreign-key/" + getSecondaryNamespaceXPath() + "field-reference");
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                    fieldValue = ((AbstractColumnMapping)mapping).getFieldValue(pkElementArray[index].getValue(key, session), session);
            } else {
                fieldValue = pkElementArray[index].getValue(key, session);
                if ( (fieldValue !=null) && (pkClass != null) && (mapping.isOneToOneMapping()) ){
                    OneToOneMapping refmapping = (OneToOneMapping)mapping;
                    DatabaseField targetKey = refmapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(pkElementArray[index].getDatabaseField());
                    CMPPolicy refPolicy = refmapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getCMPPolicy();
                    if (refPolicy.isCMP3Policy()){
                        Class aPKClass = refPolicy.getPKClass();
                        if ((aPKClass != null) && (aPKClass != fieldValue.getClass()) && (!aPKClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldValue.getClass()))) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("invalid_pk_class", new Object[] { aPKClass, fieldValue.getClass() }));
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                            // ensure the referenced descriptor was initialized
                            CMPPolicy refPolicy = refDescriptor.getCMPPolicy();
                            if ((refPolicy!=null) && refPolicy.isCMP3Policy() && (refPolicy.getPKClass() == currentKeyClass)){
                                //Since the ref pk class is our pk class, get the accessor we need to pull the value out of the PK class for our field
                                OneToOneMapping refmapping = (OneToOneMapping)mapping;
                                DatabaseField targetKey = refmapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(field);
                                pkAttributes[i] = ((CMP3Policy)refPolicy).fieldToAccessorMap.get(targetKey);
                                //associate their accessor to our field so we can look it up when we need it
                                this.fieldToAccessorMap.put(field, pkAttributes[i]);
                                noSuchElementException = null;
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        if (mapping.isAbstractColumnMapping()) {
            fieldValue = ((AbstractColumnMapping)mapping).getFieldValue(accessor.getValue(key, session), session);
        } else {
            fieldValue = accessor.getValue(key, session);
            if (mapping.isOneToOneMapping()){
                OneToOneMapping refmapping = (OneToOneMapping)mapping;
                DatabaseField targetKey = refmapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(accessor.getDatabaseField());
                CMPPolicy refPolicy = refmapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getCMPPolicy();
                if (refPolicy.isCMP3Policy()){
                    Class pkClass = refPolicy.getPKClass();
                    if ((pkClass != null) && (pkClass != fieldValue.getClass()) && (!pkClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldValue.getClass()))) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("invalid_pk_class", new Object[] { refPolicy.getPKClass(), fieldValue.getClass() }));
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process a many to one setting into an EclipseLink OneToOneMapping.
    public void process() {
        // Initialize our mapping now with what we found.
        OneToOneMapping mapping = initOneToOneMapping();

        // Now process the JoinColumns (if there are any) for this mapping.
        // process properties
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            // metadata.
            OneToManyMapping mapping = new OneToManyMapping();
            // Non-owning side, process the foreign keys from the owner.
            OneToOneMapping ownerMapping = null;
            if (getOwningMapping(getMappedBy()).isOneToOneMapping()){
                ownerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) getOwningMapping(getMappedBy());
            } else {
                // If improper mapping encountered, throw an exception.
                throw ValidationException.invalidMapping(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass());
            Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> keys = ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields();
            for (DatabaseField fkField : keys.keySet()) {
                mapping.addTargetForeignKeyField(fkField, keys.get(fkField));
            // Process properties
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping

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