* This method is used to have an object removed from a collection once the changeSet is applied
* The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps. PLEASE ENSURE that the changes
* have been made in the object model first.
public void simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord(Object referenceKey, Object changeSetToRemove, ObjectChangeSet changeSet, AbstractSession session) {
AggregateCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (AggregateCollectionChangeRecord)changeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
//if there is no change for this attribute then create a changeSet for it. no need to modify the resulting
// change record as it should be built from the clone which has the changes allready
Object cloneObject = ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet)changeSet.getUOWChangeSet()).getUOWCloneForObjectChangeSet(changeSet);
Object cloneCollection = this.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(cloneObject, session);
collectionChangeRecord = (AggregateCollectionChangeRecord)convertToChangeRecord(cloneCollection, containerPolicy.containerInstance(), changeSet, session);
} else {