// Entity fetch group currently set on copyObject
EntityFetchGroup existingEntityFetchGroup = null;
if (copy != null) {
Object[] copyArray = (Object[])copy;
// copy of the original
copy = copyArray[0];
// A set of CopyGroups that have visited.
Set<CopyGroup> visitedCopyGroups = (Set<CopyGroup>)copyArray[1];
if(visitedCopyGroups.contains(copyGroup)) {
// original has been already visited with this copyGroup - leave
return copy;
} else {
existingEntityFetchGroup = fetchGroupManager.getObjectEntityFetchGroup(copy);
// Entity fetch group that will be assigned to copyObject
EntityFetchGroup newEntityFetchGroup = null;
// Attributes to be visited - only reference mappings will be visited.
// If null then all attributes should be visited.
Set<String> attributesToVisit = copyGroup.getAttributeNames();
// Attributes to be copied
Set<String> attributesToCopy = attributesToVisit;
boolean shouldCopyAllAttributes = false;
boolean shouldAssignNewEntityFetchGroup = false;
if(copy != null && existingEntityFetchGroup == null) {
// all attributes have been already copied
attributesToCopy = null;
} else {
// Entity fetch group corresponding to copyPolicy.
// Note that empty, or null, or containing all arguments attributesToCopy
// results in copyGroupFetchGroup = null;
EntityFetchGroup copyGroupEntityFetchGroup = fetchGroupManager.getEntityFetchGroup(attributesToCopy);
if(copyGroupEntityFetchGroup == null) {
// all attributes will be copied
shouldCopyAllAttributes = true;
if(copy != null) {
if(copyGroupEntityFetchGroup != null) {
if(!copyGroup.shouldResetPrimaryKey()) {
if(!existingEntityFetchGroup.getAttributeNames().containsAll(attributesToCopy)) {
// Entity fetch group that will be assigned to copy object
newEntityFetchGroup = fetchGroupManager.flatUnionFetchGroups(existingEntityFetchGroup, copyGroupEntityFetchGroup);
shouldAssignNewEntityFetchGroup = true;
attributesToCopy = new HashSet(attributesToCopy);
} else {
// copy does not exist - create it
copy = copyGroup.getSession().getDescriptor(original).getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
Set<CopyGroup> visitedCopyGroups = new HashSet();
copyGroup.getCopies().put(original, new Object[]{copy, visitedCopyGroups});
if(!copyGroup.shouldResetPrimaryKey()) {
newEntityFetchGroup = copyGroupEntityFetchGroup;
shouldAssignNewEntityFetchGroup = true;
if(shouldAssignNewEntityFetchGroup) {
fetchGroupManager.setObjectFetchGroup(copy, newEntityFetchGroup, null);
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : getDescriptor().getMappings()) {
String name = mapping.getAttributeName();
boolean shouldCopy = shouldCopyAllAttributes || (attributesToCopy != null && attributesToCopy.contains(name));
boolean shouldVisit = attributesToVisit == null || attributesToVisit.contains(name);
if(shouldCopy || shouldVisit) {
boolean isVisiting = false;
// unless it's a reference mapping pass copyGroup - just to carry the session.
CopyGroup mappingCopyGroup = copyGroup;
if(mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
ForeignReferenceMapping frMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping)mapping;
ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor = frMapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
if(referenceDescriptor != null) {
isVisiting = true;
mappingCopyGroup = copyGroup.getGroup(name);
if(mappingCopyGroup == null) {
FetchGroupManager referenceFetchGroupManager = referenceDescriptor.getFetchGroupManager();
if(referenceFetchGroupManager != null) {
EntityFetchGroup nonReferenceEntityFetchGroup = referenceFetchGroupManager.getNonReferenceEntityFetchGroup(copyGroup.shouldResetPrimaryKey(), copyGroup.shouldResetVersion());
if(nonReferenceEntityFetchGroup != null) {
mappingCopyGroup = nonReferenceEntityFetchGroup.toCopyGroup();
} else {
// null nonReferenceEntityFetchGroup is equivalent to containing all attributes:
// create a new empty CopyGroup.
mappingCopyGroup = new CopyGroup();