// Protected to public
public void processChild(XPathFragment xPathFragment, UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord, Attributes atts, XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor, DatabaseMapping mapping) throws SAXException {
if(xmlDescriptor == null){
//Use the DescriptorNotFoundContentHandler to "look ahead" and determine if this is a simple or complex element
//if it is complex the exception should be thrown
DescriptorNotFoundContentHandler handler = new DescriptorNotFoundContentHandler(unmarshalRecord, mapping);
String qnameString = xPathFragment.getLocalName();
if(xPathFragment.getPrefix() != null) {
qnameString = xPathFragment.getPrefix() +XMLConstants.COLON + qnameString;
handler.startElement(xPathFragment.getNamespaceURI(), xPathFragment.getLocalName(), qnameString, atts);
XMLReader xmlReader = unmarshalRecord.getXMLReader();