ManifestElement ::= component (';' component)* (';' parameter) component ::= ([^;,:="\#x0D#x0A#x00])+ | quoted-string quoted-string::= '"' ( [^"\#x0D#x0A#x00] | '\"'| '\\')* '"' parameter ::= directive | attribute directive ::= token ':=' argument attribute ::= token '=' argument argument ::= extended | quoted-string token ::= ( alphanum | '_' | '-' )+ extended ::= ( alphanum | '_' | '-' | '.' )+
For example, the following is an example of a manifest element to the Export-Package header:
org.osgi.framework; specification-version="1.2"; another-attr="examplevalue"
This manifest element has a value of org.osgi.framework and it has two attributes, specification-version and another-attr.
The following manifest element is an example of a manifest element that has multiple components to its value:
This manifest element has a value of code1.jar;code2.jar;code3.jar. This is an example of a multiple component value. This value has three components: code1.jar, code2.jar, and code3.jar.
If components contain delimiter characters (e.g ';', ',' ':' "=") then it must be a quoted string. For example, the following is an example of a manifest element that has multiple components containing delimiter characters:
"component ; 1"; "component , 2"; "component : 3"; attr1=value1; attr2=value2; attr3=value3
This manifest element has a value of "component ; 1"; "component , 2"; "component : 3". This value has three components: "component ; 1", "component , 2", "component : 3".
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
@since 3.0 @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.