This filter tries to avoid computing content ids of the files in the working-tree. In contrast to {@link TreeFilter#ANY_DIFF} this filter takescare to first compare the entry from the {@link DirCacheIterator} with theentries from all other iterators besides the {@link WorkingTreeIterator}. Since all those entries have fast access to content ids that is very fast. If a difference is detected in this step this filter decides to include that path before even looking at the working-tree entry.
If no difference is found then we have to compare index and working-tree as the last step. By making use of {@link WorkingTreeIterator#isModified(org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEntry,boolean)}we can avoid the computation of the content id if the file is not dirty.
Instances of this filter should not be used for multiple {@link TreeWalk}s. Always construct a new instance of this filter for each TreeWalk.