SafeHtmlBuilder buf = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
int curIdx = 0;
Edit curEdit = edits.get(curIdx);
ReplaceEdit lastReplace = null;
List<Edit> charEdits = null;
int lastPos = 0;
int lastIdx = 0;
for (int index = src.first(); index < src.size(); index = {
int cmp = compare(index, curEdit);
while (0 < cmp) {
// The index is after the edit. Skip to the next edit.
curEdit = edits.get(curIdx++);
cmp = compare(index, curEdit);
if (cmp < 0) {
// index occurs before the edit. This is a line of context.
appendShowBareCR(buf, src.get(index), true);
// index occurs within the edit. The line is a modification.
if (curEdit instanceof ReplaceEdit) {
if (lastReplace != curEdit) {
lastReplace = (ReplaceEdit) curEdit;
charEdits = lastReplace.getInternalEdits();
lastPos = 0;
lastIdx = 0;
String line = src.get(index) + "\n";