command.define(name, tooltip, category, null);
// TODO Decide the command state.
final String style = readOptional(element, ATT_STYLE);
if (STYLE_RADIO.equals(style)) {
final State state = new RadioState();
// TODO How to set the id?
final boolean checked = readBoolean(element, ATT_STATE, false);
state.setValue((checked) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
command.addState(IMenuStateIds.STYLE, state);
} else if (STYLE_TOGGLE.equals(style)) {
final State state = new ToggleState();
final boolean checked = readBoolean(element, ATT_STATE, false);
state.setValue((checked) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
command.addState(IMenuStateIds.STYLE, state);
// this allows us to look up a "commandId" give the contributionId
// and the actionId