tmp = (String)context.getAttribute(CONTAINER_JAR_PATTERN);
Pattern containerPattern = (tmp==null?null:Pattern.compile(tmp));
//Apply ordering to container jars - if no pattern is specified, we won't
//match any of the container jars
PatternMatcher containerJarNameMatcher = new PatternMatcher ()
public void matched(URI uri) throws Exception
ClassLoader loader = context.getClassLoader();
if (loader != null)
loader = loader.getParent();
if (loader != null)
URI[] containerUris = null;
if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader)
URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader)loader).getURLs();
if (urls != null)
containerUris = new URI[urls.length];
int i=0;
for (URL u : urls)
containerUris[i] = u.toURI();
catch (URISyntaxException e)
containerUris[i] = new URI(u.toString().replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
else if (loader instanceof AntClassLoader)
AntClassLoader antLoader = (AntClassLoader)loader;
String[] paths = antLoader.getClasspath().split(new String(new char[]{File.pathSeparatorChar}));
if (paths != null)
containerUris = new URI[paths.length];
int i=0;
for (String p:paths)
File f = new File(p);
containerUris[i] = f.toURI();
containerJarNameMatcher.match(containerPattern, containerUris, false);
//Apply ordering to WEB-INF/lib jars
PatternMatcher webInfJarNameMatcher = new PatternMatcher ()
public void matched(URI uri) throws Exception
List<Resource> jars = findJars(context);
//Convert to uris for matching
URI[] uris = null;
if (jars != null)
uris = new URI[jars.size()];
int i=0;
for (Resource r: jars)
uris[i++] = r.getURI();
webInfJarNameMatcher.match(webInfPattern, uris, true); //null is inclusive, no pattern == all jars match
//No pattern to appy to classes, just add to metadata