* @param node
* @param context
public ServletMapping addServletMapping (String servletName, XmlParser.Node node, WebAppContext context, Descriptor descriptor)
ServletMapping mapping = new ServletMapping();
mapping.setDefault(descriptor instanceof DefaultsDescriptor);
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator<XmlParser.Node> iter = node.iterator("url-pattern");
while (iter.hasNext())
String p = iter.next().toString(false, true);
p = normalizePattern(p);
//check if there is already a mapping for this path, and if there is && it is from a defaultdescriptor
//remove it in favour of the new one
ListIterator<ServletMapping> listItor = _servletMappings.listIterator();
boolean found = false;
while (listItor.hasNext() && !found)
ServletMapping sm = listItor.next();
if (sm.getPathSpecs() != null)
for (String ps:sm.getPathSpecs())
if (p.equals(ps) && sm.isDefault())
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("{} in mapping {} from defaults descriptor is overridden by ",ps,sm,servletName);
//remove ps from the path specs on the existing mapping
//if the mapping now has no pathspecs, remove it
String[] updatedPaths = ArrayUtil.removeFromArray(sm.getPathSpecs(), ps);
if (updatedPaths == null || updatedPaths.length == 0)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Removed mapping {} from defaults descriptor",sm);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Removed path {} from mapping {} from defaults descriptor ", p,sm);
found = true;