boolean bound = false;
//check if the name in web.xml has been mapped to something else
//check a context-specific naming environment first
Object scope = context;
NamingEntry ne = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(scope, name);
if (ne!=null && (ne instanceof Link))
//if we found a mapping, get out name it is mapped to in the environment
nameInEnvironment = ((Link)ne).getLink();
//try finding that mapped name in the webapp's environment first
scope = context;
bound = NamingEntryUtil.bindToENC(scope, name, nameInEnvironment);
if (bound)
//try the server's environment
scope = context.getServer();
bound = NamingEntryUtil.bindToENC(scope, name, nameInEnvironment);
if (bound)
//try the jvm environment
bound = NamingEntryUtil.bindToENC(null, name, nameInEnvironment);
if (bound)
//There is no matching resource so try a default name.
//The default name syntax is: the [res-type]/default
//eg javax.sql.DataSource/default
nameInEnvironment = typeClass.getName()+"/default";
//First try the server scope
NamingEntry defaultNE = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(context.getServer(), nameInEnvironment);
if (defaultNE==null)
defaultNE = NamingEntryUtil.lookupNamingEntry(null, nameInEnvironment);
if (defaultNE!=null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Nothing to bind for name "+nameInEnvironment);