One of the name:value attribute pairs will always be the special attribute "__metadata__". The value is an object representing a version counter which is incremented every time the attributes change.
For example: { "_id" : ObjectId("52845534a40b66410f228f23"), "accessed" : NumberLong("1384818548903"), "maxIdle" : 1, "context" : { "::/contextA" : { "A" : "A", "__metadata__" : { "version" : NumberLong(2) } }, "::/contextB" : { "B" : "B", "__metadata__" : { "version" : NumberLong(1) } } }, "created" : NumberLong("1384818548903"), "expiry" : NumberLong("1384818549903"), "id" : "w01ijx2vnalgv1sqrpjwuirprp7", "valid" : true }
In MongoDB, the nesting level is indicated by "." separators for the key name. Thus to interact with a session attribute, the key is composed of: "context".unique_context_name.attribute_name Eg "context"."::/contextA"."A"