// TODO [bm] pretty dirty hack to workaround 16: Refactoring should not use UI components for code changes
// http://code.google.com/p/constants-to-enum-eclipse-plugin/issues/detail?id=16
final NewEnumWizardPage[] result = new NewEnumWizardPage[1];
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
result[0]= new NewEnumWizardPage();
NewEnumWizardPage page = result[0];
page.setTypeName((String) this.simpleTypeNames.get(col), false);
final IPackageFragmentRoot root = this.getPackageFragmentRoot();
page.setPackageFragmentRoot(root, false);
final IPackageFragment pack = this.getPackageFragment(
(String) this.packageNames.get(col), monitor);
page.setPackageFragment(pack, false);
* * TODO: This is somewhat of a dirty workaround. Basically, I am
* creating a new Enum type only to replace the root AST node. If
* you have any better ideas please let me know!
* TODO: Need a way of inserting this new type such that it appears
* in the text changes for rollback purposes, etc.
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException E) {
// Modify the newly created enum type.
final IType newEnumType = page.getCreatedType();
final CompilationUnit node = (CompilationUnit) Util.getASTNode(
newEnumType, monitor);
final ASTRewrite astRewrite = ASTRewrite.create(node.getAST());
final ImportRewrite importRewrite = ImportRewrite