ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
if (!currentType.canBeSeenBy(this))
return new ProblemFieldBinding(currentType, fieldName, ProblemReasons.ReceiverTypeNotVisible);
FieldBinding field = currentType.getField(fieldName, true /*resolve*/);
if (field != null) {
if (canBeSeenByForCodeSnippet(field, currentType, invocationSite, this))
return field;
return new ProblemFieldBinding(field /* closest match*/, field.declaringClass, fieldName, ProblemReasons.NotVisible);
// collect all superinterfaces of receiverType until the field is found in a supertype
ReferenceBinding[][] interfacesToVisit = null;
int lastPosition = -1;
FieldBinding visibleField = null;
boolean keepLooking = true;
boolean notVisible = false; // we could hold onto the not visible field for extra error reporting
while (keepLooking) {
ReferenceBinding[] itsInterfaces = currentType.superInterfaces();
if (itsInterfaces != Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES) {