Abstract base class for a completion requestor which is passed completion proposals as they are generated in response to a code assist request.
This class is intended to be subclassed by clients.
The code assist engine normally invokes methods on completion requestor in the following sequence:
requestor.beginReporting(); requestor.acceptContext(context); requestor.accept(proposal_1); requestor.accept(proposal_2); ... requestor.endReporting();
If, however, the engine is unable to offer completion proposals for whatever reason,
is called with a problem object describing why completions were unavailable. In this case, the sequence of calls is:
requestor.beginReporting(); requestor.acceptContext(context); requestor.completionFailure(problem); requestor.endReporting();
In either case, the bracketing
calls are always made as well as
The class was introduced in 3.0 as a more evolvable replacement for the ICompletionRequestor
@see ICodeAssist
@since 3.0