private static final String PUSHURL = "pushurl"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
FetchNode node = getSelectedNodes(event).get(0);
RemoteNode remote = (RemoteNode) node.getParent();
StoredConfig config = node.getRepository().getConfig();
String fetchUrl = config.getString(REMOTE, remote.getObject(), URL);
config.unset(REMOTE, remote.getObject(), FETCH);
config.unset(REMOTE, remote.getObject(), URL);
// the push URL may still be needed for fetch
if (fetchUrl != null) {
boolean hasPush = config.getStringList(REMOTE, remote.getObject(),
PUSH).length > 0;
if (hasPush) {
String[] pushurls = config.getStringList(REMOTE, remote
.getObject(), PUSHURL);
// if there are not specific push urls,
// copy the former fetch url into push url
if (pushurls.length == 0)
config.setString(REMOTE, remote.getObject(), PUSHURL,
try {