try {
String pluginId = configElements[i].getDeclaringExtension().getContributor().getName();
// Only add the factories if the contributor plugin has not been excluded
if (!pluginExcluded(pluginId)) {
// First create factory clazz
final ISendFileTransferFactory clazz = (ISendFileTransferFactory) configElements[i].createExecutableExtension(CLASS_ATTR);
// Get priority for new entry, if optional priority attribute specified
int priority = getPriority(configElements[i], CONTRIBUTION_WARNING, protocol);
setSendFileTransferFactory(protocol, pluginId, clazz, priority, uri);
} else {
Activator.getDefault().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.WARNING, "Plugin " + pluginId + " excluded from contributing send factory", null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$