return null;
// Create the app model and its context
MApplication appModel = loadApplicationModel(applicationContext, appContext);
// Set the app's context after adding itself
appContext.set(MApplication.class.getName(), appModel);
// let the life cycle manager add to the model
if (lcManager != null) {
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(lcManager, ProcessAdditions.class, appContext, null);
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(lcManager, ProcessRemovals.class, appContext, null);
// Create the addons
IEclipseContext addonStaticContext = EclipseContextFactory.create();
for (MAddon addon : appModel.getAddons()) {
addonStaticContext.set(MAddon.class, addon);
Object obj = factory.create(addon.getContributionURI(), appContext, addonStaticContext);