Version identifier for a plug-in. In its string representation, it consists of up to 4 tokens separated by a decimal point. The first 3 tokens are positive integer numbers, the last token is an uninterpreted string (no whitespace characters allowed). For example, the following are valid version identifiers (as strings):
(interpreted as 1.9.0
(interpreted as 3.0.0
)The version identifier can be decomposed into a major, minor, service level component and qualifier components. A difference in the major component is interpreted as an incompatible version change. A difference in the minor (and not the major) component is interpreted as a compatible version change. The service level component is interpreted as a cumulative and compatible service update of the minor version component. The qualifier is not interpreted, other than in version comparisons. The qualifiers are compared using lexicographical string comparison.
Version identifiers can be matched as perfectly equal, equivalent, compatible or greaterOrEqual.
This class can be used without OSGi running.
Clients may instantiate; not intended to be subclassed by clients.
@see java.lang.String#compareTo(java.lang.String) @deprecated clients should use {@link org.osgi.framework.Version} instead