Plug-ins implement this interface and register to participate in workspace save operations.
Clients may implement this interface.
return featureVersion; } public ISaveParticipant getSaveParticipant() { if (saveParticipant == null) { saveParticipant = new ISaveParticipant() { @Override public void doneSaving(final ISaveContext context1) { } @Override
} private TLDRegistryManager() { super(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace()); final ISaveParticipant participant = new MyWorkspaceSaveParticipant(); try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().addSaveParticipant(JSFCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginID() , participant);
// TODO: // From save participant documentation example; note // that we should use the alternative to in Eclipse 3.2 ISaveParticipant saveParticipant = new BBQSaveParticipant( this); ISavedState lastState = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().addSaveParticipant(this, saveParticipant); if (lastState == null) return; IPath location = lastState.lookup(new Path(ENVIRONMENT_FILE_KEY));
@Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { super.start(context); new JDIDebugOptions(context); ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().addSaveParticipant(getUniqueIdentifier(), new ISaveParticipant() { public void doneSaving(ISaveContext c) { } public void prepareToSave(ISaveContext c) throws CoreException {