Plugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to create folder : " + _wgaData.toString(), e);
IFolder plugins = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path("plugins"));
if (plugins.exists()) {
IFolder pluginDBs = plugins.getFolder(PLUGIN_DBS_FOLDERNAME);
if (pluginDBs.exists()) {
try {
} catch (CoreException e1) {
WGADesignerPlugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to set derived flag on folder '" + pluginDBs.getLocation() + "'.", e1);
IFolder pluginWorkspace = plugins.getFolder(PLUGIN_WORKSPACE_FOLDERNAME);
if (pluginWorkspace.exists()) {
try {
} catch (CoreException e1) {
WGADesignerPlugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to set derived flag on folder '" + pluginWorkspace.getLocation() + "'.", e1);
_workflowRoot = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path("workflows"));
_designRoot = _project.getFolder("designs");
_hsqlRoot = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path(DBS_FOLDERNAME));
IFolder oldHSQLRoot = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path("dbs"));
if (oldHSQLRoot.exists() && !_hsqlRoot.exists()) {
try {
oldHSQLRoot.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor());
oldHSQLRoot.move(new Path(DBS_FOLDERNAME), false, new NullProgressMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
WGADesignerPlugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to migrate existing dbs folder.", e);
try {
FileUtils.createFolder(_wgaData, DBS_FOLDERNAME);
} catch (CoreException e1) {
WGADesignerPlugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to set derived flag on folder '" + _hsqlRoot.getLocation() + "'.", e1);
_luceneRoot = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path(LUCENE_FOLDERNAME));
IFolder oldLuceneRoot = _wgaData.getFolder(new Path("lucene"));
if (oldLuceneRoot.exists() && !_luceneRoot.exists()) {
try {
oldLuceneRoot.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor());
oldLuceneRoot.move(new Path(LUCENE_FOLDERNAME), false, new NullProgressMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
WGADesignerPlugin.getDefault().logError("Unable to migrate existing lucene folder.", e);
try {