IEditorInput editorInput = editorPart.getEditorInput();
if (!(editorInput instanceof IFileEditorInput))
throw new ExecutionException("Editor input must be a file");
IFileEditorInput fileInput = (IFileEditorInput) editorInput;
// Save the editor content (if dirty)
IRunnableWithProgress saveOperation = new IRunnableWithProgress()
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException
if (editorPart.isDirty())
if (MessageDialog.openQuestion(
"Save File",
"The file contents must be saved before the command can be executed. Do you wish to save now?"))
throw new InterruptedException();
new ProgressMonitorDialog(shell).run(false, true, saveOperation);
// Execute on the file
IFile file = fileInput.getFile();
getResourceCommandHandler().execute(new IResource[] { file }, event);
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
throw new ExecutionException("Error saving file", e.getTargetException());
catch (InterruptedException e)
// Exit the command silently