String[] preToolCommands = depCommands.getPreToolDependencyCommands();
if (preToolCommands != null && preToolCommands.length > 0) {
for (String preCmd : preToolCommands) {
try {
String resolvedCommand;
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
if (!needExplicitRuleForFile) {
resolvedCommand = provider.resolveValueToMakefileFormat(preCmd, EMPTY_STRING, WHITESPACE,
IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_FILE, new FileContextData(sourceLocation, outputLocation, null, tool))
.replaceFirst(" -w ", " ");
} else {
// if we need an explicit rule then don't use
// any builder
// variables, resolve everything to explicit
// strings
resolvedCommand = provider.resolveValue(preCmd, EMPTY_STRING, WHITESPACE, IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_FILE,
new FileContextData(sourceLocation, outputLocation, null, tool)).replaceFirst(" -w ", " ");
if (resolvedCommand != null)
buffer.append(resolvedCommand + NEWLINE);
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {// JABA is not going to
// write this code
// Generate the command line
Vector<String> inputs = new Vector<String>();
// Other additional inputs
// Get any additional dependencies specified for the tool in other
// InputType elements and AdditionalInput elements
IPath[] addlInputPaths = getAdditionalResourcesForSource(tool);
for (IPath addlInputPath : addlInputPaths) {
// Translate the path from project relative to build directory
// relative
IPath addlPath = addlInputPath;
if (!(addlPath.toString().startsWith("$("))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!addlPath.isAbsolute()) {
IPath tempPath = getPathForResource(project).append(addlPath);
if (tempPath != null) {
addlPath = ManagedBuildManager.calculateRelativePath(getTopBuildDir(), tempPath);
String[] inputStrings = inputs.toArray(new String[inputs.size()]);
String[] flags = null;
// Get the tool command line options
try {
flags = tool.getToolCommandFlags(sourceLocation, outputLocation);
} catch (BuildException ex) {
// TODO add some routines to catch this
// If we have a TYPE_BUILD_COMMANDS dependency generator, determine
// if there are any options that
// it wants added to the command line
if (depCommands != null) {
flags = addDependencyOptions(depCommands, flags);
IManagedCommandLineInfo cmdLInfo = null;
String outflag = null;
String outputPrefix = null;
if (rcInfo instanceof IFileInfo || needExplicitRuleForFile || needExplicitDependencyCommands) {
outflag = tool.getOutputFlag();
outputPrefix = tool.getOutputPrefix();
// Call the command line generator
IManagedCommandLineGenerator cmdLGen = tool.getCommandLineGenerator();
cmdLInfo = cmdLGen.generateCommandLineInfo(tool, cmd, flags, outflag, outputPrefix, OUT_MACRO + otherPrimaryOutputs, inputStrings,
} else {
outflag = tool.getOutputFlag();// config.getOutputFlag(outputExtension);
outputPrefix = tool.getOutputPrefix();// config.getOutputPrefix(outputExtension);
// Call the command line generator
cmdLInfo = generateToolCommandLineInfo(tool, inputExtension, flags, outflag, outputPrefix, OUT_MACRO + otherPrimaryOutputs,
inputStrings, sourceLocation, outputLocation);
// The command to build
String buildCmd;
if (cmdLInfo != null) {
buildCmd = cmdLInfo.getCommandLine();
} else {
StringBuffer buildFlags = new StringBuffer();
for (String flag : flags) {
if (flag != null) {
buildFlags.append(flag + WHITESPACE);
buildCmd = cmd + WHITESPACE + buildFlags.toString().trim() + WHITESPACE + outflag + WHITESPACE + outputPrefix + OUT_MACRO
+ otherPrimaryOutputs + WHITESPACE + IN_MACRO;
// resolve any remaining macros in the command after it has been
// generated
try {
String resolvedCommand;
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
if (!needExplicitRuleForFile) {
resolvedCommand = provider.resolveValueToMakefileFormat(buildCmd, EMPTY_STRING, WHITESPACE, IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_FILE,
new FileContextData(sourceLocation, outputLocation, null, tool)).replaceFirst(" -w ", " ");
} else {
// if we need an explicit rule then don't use any builder
// variables, resolve everything to explicit strings
resolvedCommand = provider.resolveValue(buildCmd, EMPTY_STRING, WHITESPACE, IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_FILE,
new FileContextData(sourceLocation, outputLocation, null, tool)).replaceFirst(" -w ", " ");
if ((resolvedCommand = resolvedCommand.trim()).length() > 0)
buildCmd = resolvedCommand;