A representation of the model object '
Partner Link'. The services with which a business process interacts are modeled as partners in the process. Partners both consume and provide services to a business Process. These services are characterized by a ServiceLinkType. Partners define the different parties that interact with the business process. A partner represents both a consumer of a service provided by the business process and a provider of a service to the business process. The role of the partner is always seen from the perspective of the process that contains it. For invoke activities, the partner plays a role to provide the invoked service. For receive activities, the partner plays a role to invoke the service, and the process plays the role of providing it. Each partner is characterized by a service link type and a role name that identifies the functionality that must be provided by the business process and by the partner for the relationship to succeed. That is, the portTypes that the process and partners need to implement. myRole represents the responsibilities or services produced and consumed by this process. For services provided by this process, myRole must specify a role of the serviceLinkType which which has a portType and operation that appears in a receive activity within this process. That is, for some receive activity in this process, its partner attribute must name a partner defined in the process having myRole specify a role of the partner's serviceLinkType whose portType matches the receive portType, that portType must contain the operation specified in the receive activity, and the container of that activity must refer to a container of the process whose messageType is the same as the input message of the operation. For consumed services, similar rules apply to the invoke activity. The partner attribute must name a partner defined in the process having partnerRole specify a role of the partner's serviceLinkType whose portType matches the invoke portType, that portType must contain the operation specified in the invoke activity, and the inputContainer of that activity must refer to a container of the process whose messageType is same as the input message of the operation, and whose outputContainer refers to a container of the process whose messageType is the same as the output message of the operation.
The following features are supported:
- {@link org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink#getName Name}
- {@link org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink#getMyRole My Role}
- {@link org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink#getPartnerRole Partner Role}
- {@link org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink#getPartnerLinkType Partner Link Type}
- {@link org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink#getInitializePartnerRole Initialize Partner Role}
@see org.eclipse.bpel.model.BPELPackage#getPartnerLink()