The format of an assembler source line is as follows: [label [:]] [operation] [operands] [; comment] where the components are as follows:
- label - A definition of a label, which is a symbol that represents an address. If the label starts in the first column�that is, at the far left on the line�the :(colon) is optional.
- operation - An assembler instruction or directive. This must not start in the first column�there must be some whitespace to the left of it.
- operands - A list of operands, separated by commas.
- comment - Comment, preceded by a ; (semicolon) C or C++ comments are also allowed.
Reference manual: "C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 5.4 Kickstart\arm\doc\EWARM_AssemblerReference.ENU.pdf"