public void addBody(Body body) throws SAXException, WingException, UIException, SQLException,
IOException, AuthorizeException
BrowseParams params = getUserParams();
BrowseInfo info = getBrowseInfo();
String type = "withdrawn";
// Build the DRI Body
Division div = body.addDivision("browse-by-" + type, "primary");
// Build the internal navigation (jump lists)
addBrowseJumpNavigation(div, info, params);
// Build the sort and display controls
addBrowseControls(div, info, params);
// This div will hold the browsing results
Division results = div.addDivision("browse-by-" + type + "-results", "primary");
// Add the pagination
if (info.getTotal() <= 0)
results.setSimplePagination(0, 0, 0, null, null);
results.setSimplePagination(info.getTotal(), browseInfo.getOverallPosition() + 1,
browseInfo.getOverallPosition() + browseInfo.getResultCount(), getPreviousPageURL(
params, info), getNextPageURL(params, info));
// Reference all the browsed items
ReferenceSet referenceSet = results.addReferenceSet("browse-by-" + type,
ReferenceSet.TYPE_SUMMARY_LIST, type, null);
// Are we browsing items, or unique metadata?
if (isItemBrowse(info))
// Add the items to the browse results
for (BrowseItem item : (java.util.List<BrowseItem>) info.getResults())
else // browsing a list of unique metadata entries