// Only generate the list if we have multiple columns
if (sortOptions.size() > 1)
Select sortSelect = controlsForm.addSelect(BrowseParams.SORT_BY);
for (SortOption so : sortOptions)
sortSelect.addOption(so.equals(info.getSortOption()), so.getNumber(),
message("xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.sort_by." + so.getName()));
catch (SortException se)
throw new WingException("Unable to get sort options", se);
// Create a control to changing ascending / descending order
Select orderSelect = controlsForm.addSelect(BrowseParams.ORDER);
orderSelect.addOption("ASC".equals(params.scope.getOrder()), "ASC", T_order_asc);
orderSelect.addOption("DESC".equals(params.scope.getOrder()), "DESC", T_order_desc);
// Create a control for the number of records to display
Select rppSelect = controlsForm.addSelect(BrowseParams.RESULTS_PER_PAGE);
for (int i = 5; i <= 100; i += 5)
rppSelect.addOption((i == info.getResultsPerPage()), i, Integer.toString(i));
// Create a control for the number of authors per item to display
// FIXME This is currently disabled, as the supporting functionality
// is not currently present in xmlui