// Specified using a regular handle.
DSpaceObject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, handle);
// Handles can be either items or containers.
if (dso instanceof Item)
adapter = new ItemAdapter(context, (Item) dso, contextPath);
else if (dso instanceof Collection || dso instanceof Community)
adapter = new ContainerAdapter(context, dso, contextPath);
else if (internal != null)
// Internal identifier, format: "type:id".
String[] parts = internal.split(":");
if (parts.length == 2)
String type = parts[0];
String strid = parts[1];
int id = 0;
// Handle prefixes must be treated as strings
// all non-repository types need integer IDs
if ("repository".equals(type))
if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("handle.prefix").equals(strid))
adapter = new RepositoryAdapter(context,contextPath);
id = Integer.valueOf(parts[1]);
if ("item".equals(type))
Item item = Item.find(context,id);
if (item != null)
adapter = new ItemAdapter(context,item,contextPath);
else if ("collection".equals(type))
Collection collection = Collection.find(context,id);
if (collection != null)