// if there are connectives, and the first is a template key, then all templates keys must be checked up front
// individual connectives, that have template keys, will still need to be checked too.
SingleFieldConstraint sconstr = (SingleFieldConstraint) constr;
buf.append( "@if{" + ( (SingleFieldConstraint) constr ).getValue() + " != empty" );
for ( int j = 0; j < sconstr.getConnectives().length; j++ ) {
final ConnectiveConstraint conn = sconstr.getConnectives()[ j ];
if ( conn.getConstraintValueType() == BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_TEMPLATE ) {
buf.append( " || " + conn.getValue() + " != empty" );
buf.append( "}" );
} else {
buf.append( "@if{" + ( (SingleFieldConstraint) constr ).getValue() + " != empty}" );