Package org.drools.rule

Examples of org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration

        pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().merge( newPkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore() );

        // we have to do this before the merging, as it does some classloader resolving
        TypeDeclaration lastType = null;
        try {
            // Resolve the class for the type declaation
            if ( newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null ) {
                // add type declarations
                for ( TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                    lastType = type;
                    type.setTypeClass( this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type.getTypeClassName() ) );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "unable to resolve Type Declaration class '" + lastType.getTypeName() + "'" );

        // now merge the new package into the existing one
        mergePackage( pkg,
                      newPkg );
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        if ( cls.isPrimitive() || cls.isArray() ) {
            return null;

        // If this class has already been accessed, it'll be in the cache
        TypeDeclaration tdecl = null;
        PackageRegistry pkgReg = null;
        if ( this.cacheTypes == null ) {
            this.cacheTypes = new HashMap<String, TypeDeclaration>();
        } else {
            tdecl = cacheTypes.get( cls.getName() );
            if ( tdecl != null ) {
                return tdecl;

        // Check if we are in the built-ins
        tdecl = this.builtinTypes.get( (cls.getName()) );
        if ( tdecl == null ) {
            // No built-in
            // Check if there is a user specified typedeclr
            pkgReg = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ClassUtils.getPackage( cls ) );
            if ( pkgReg != null ) {
                tdecl = pkgReg.getPackage().getTypeDeclaration( cls.getSimpleName() );

        if ( tdecl == null ) {
            // no typedeclr exists, so create one, which will be added to the cache
            tdecl = new TypeDeclaration( cls.getSimpleName() );

            // it's a new type declaration, so generate the @Position for it
            ClassDefinition clsDef = tdecl.getTypeClassDef();
            if ( clsDef == null ) {
                clsDef = new ClassDefinition();

                Collection<Field> fields = new LinkedList<Field>();
                Class< ? > tempKlass = cls;
                while ( tempKlass != null && tempKlass != Object.class ) {
                    for ( Field f : tempKlass.getDeclaredFields() ) {
                        fields.add( f );
                    tempKlass = tempKlass.getSuperclass();

                List<FieldDefinition> orderedFields = new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>( fields.size() );
                for ( int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++ ) {
                    // as these could be set in any order, initialise first, to allow setting later.
                    orderedFields.add( null );

                for ( Field fld : fields ) {
                    Position pos = fld.getAnnotation( Position.class );
                    if ( pos != null ) {
                        FieldDefinition fldDef = new FieldDefinition( fld.getName(),
                                                                      fld.getType().getName() );
                        fldDef.setIndex( pos.value() );
                        orderedFields.set( pos.value(),
                                           fldDef );
                for ( FieldDefinition fld : orderedFields ) {
                    if ( fld != null ) {
                        // it's null if there is no @Position
                        clsDef.addField( fld );

                tdecl.setTypeClassDef( clsDef );


        // build up a set of all the super classes and interfaces
        Set<TypeDeclaration> tdecls = new LinkedHashSet<TypeDeclaration>();
        tdecls.add( tdecl );
        buildTypeDeclarations(cls, tdecls);

        // Iterate and for each typedeclr assign it's value if it's not already set
        // We start from the rear as those are the furthest away classes and interfaces
        TypeDeclaration[] tarray = tdecls.toArray( new TypeDeclaration[tdecls.size()] );
        for ( int i = tarray.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
            TypeDeclaration currentTDecl = tarray[i];
            if ( (tdecl.getSetMask() & TypeDeclaration.ROLE_BIT) != TypeDeclaration.ROLE_BIT ) {
                tdecl.setRole( currentTDecl.getRole() );
            if ( (tdecl.getSetMask() & TypeDeclaration.FORMAT_BIT) != TypeDeclaration.FORMAT_BIT ) {
                tdecl.setFormat( currentTDecl.getFormat() );
            if ( (tdecl.getSetMask() & TypeDeclaration.TYPESAFE_BIT) != TypeDeclaration.TYPESAFE_BIT ) {
                tdecl.setTypesafe( currentTDecl.isTypesafe() );

        this.cacheTypes.put( cls.getName(),
                             tdecl );
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        return tdecl;

    public void buildTypeDeclarations(Class< ? > cls,
                                      Set<TypeDeclaration> tdecls) {
        TypeDeclaration tdecl = null;

        // Process current interfaces
        Class< ? >[] intfs = cls.getInterfaces();
        for ( Class< ? > intf : intfs ) {
            buildTypeDeclarationInterfaces( intf,
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    public boolean buildTypeDeclarationInterfaces(Class cls,
                                                  Set<TypeDeclaration> tdecls) {
        PackageRegistry pkgReg = null;
        TypeDeclaration tdecl = null;

        tdecl = this.builtinTypes.get( (cls.getName()) );
        if ( tdecl == null ) {
            pkgReg = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ClassUtils.getPackage( cls ) );
            if ( pkgReg != null ) {
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        // if a class is declared in DRL, its package can't be null? The default package is replaced by "defaultpkg"
        if ( pack != null ) {

            // look for the supertype declaration in available packages
            TypeDeclaration superTypeDeclaration = pack.getTypeDeclaration( simpleSuperTypeName );

            if ( superTypeDeclaration != null ) {
                ClassDefinition classDef = superTypeDeclaration.getTypeClassDef();
                // inherit fields
                for ( FactField fld : classDef.getFields() ) {
                    TypeFieldDescr inheritedFlDescr = TypeFieldDescr.buildInheritedFromDefinition( fld );
                    fieldMap.put( inheritedFlDescr.getFieldName(),
                                  inheritedFlDescr );

                // new classes are already distinguished from tagged external classes
                isSuperClassTagged = !superTypeDeclaration.isNovel();
            } else {
                isSuperClassDeclared = false;

        } else {
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            // Go on with the build
            TypeDeclaration type = new TypeDeclaration( typeDescr.getTypeName() );
            if ( resource != null ) {
                type.setResource( this.resource );

            // is it a regular fact or an event?
            AnnotationDescr annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.Role.ID );
            String role = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( role != null ) {
                type.setRole( TypeDeclaration.Role.parseRole( role ) );

            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_TYPESAFE );
            String typesafe = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( typesafe != null ) {
                type.setTypesafe( Boolean.parseBoolean( typesafe ) );

            // is it a POJO or a template?
            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_TEMPLATE );
            String templateName = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( templateName != null ) {
                type.setFormat( TypeDeclaration.Format.TEMPLATE );
                FactTemplate template = pkgRegistry.getPackage().getFactTemplate( templateName );
                if ( template != null ) {
                    type.setTypeTemplate( template );
                } else {
                    this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( "Template not found for TypeDeclaration '" + template + "' for type '" + type.getTypeName() + "'",
                                                                typeDescr.getLine() ) );
            } else {
                annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_CLASS );
                String className = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;

                if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( className ) ) {
                    className = type.getTypeName();
                type.setFormat( TypeDeclaration.Format.POJO );
                Class clazz;
                try {
                    // the type declaration is generated in any case (to be used by subclasses, if any)
                    // the actual class will be generated only if needed
                    generateDeclaredBean( typeDescr,
                                          pkgRegistry );

                    clazz = pkgRegistry.getTypeResolver().resolveType( className );
                    type.setTypeClass( clazz );
                    if ( type.getTypeClassDef() != null ) {
                        try {
                            buildFieldAccessors( type,
                                                 pkgRegistry );
                        } catch ( Exception e ) {
                            this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( "Error creating field accessors for TypeDeclaration '" + className + "' for type '" + type.getTypeName() + "'",
                                                                        typeDescr.getLine() ) );
                } catch ( final ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( "Class '" + className +
                                                                        "' not found for type declaration of '" + type.getTypeName() + "'",
                                                                typeDescr.getLine() ) );

            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_TIMESTAMP );
            String timestamp = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( timestamp != null ) {
                type.setTimestampAttribute( timestamp );
                ClassDefinition cd = type.getTypeClassDef();
                Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
                InternalReadAccessor reader = pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().getMVELReader( ClassUtils.getPackage( type.getTypeClass() ),
                                                                                              type.isTypesafe() );
                MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
                data.addCompileable( (MVELCompileable) reader );
                ((MVELCompileable) reader).compile( data );
                type.setTimestampExtractor( reader );

            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_DURATION );
            String duration = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( duration != null ) {
                type.setDurationAttribute( duration );
                ClassDefinition cd = type.getTypeClassDef();
                Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
                InternalReadAccessor reader = pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().getMVELReader( ClassUtils.getPackage( type.getTypeClass() ),
                                                                                              type.isTypesafe() );
                MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
                data.addCompileable( (MVELCompileable) reader );
                ((MVELCompileable) reader).compile( data );
                type.setDurationExtractor( reader );

            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_EXPIRE );
            String expiration = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( expiration != null ) {
                if ( timeParser == null ) {
                    timeParser = new TimeIntervalParser();
                type.setExpirationOffset( timeParser.parse( expiration )[0].longValue() );

            boolean dynamic = typeDescr.getAnnotationNames().contains( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_PROP_CHANGE_SUPPORT );
            type.setDynamic( dynamic );

            pkgRegistry.getPackage().addTypeDeclaration( type );
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        builtinTypes = new HashMap<String, TypeDeclaration>();

    private void initBuiltinTypeDeclarations() {
        TypeDeclaration colType = new TypeDeclaration( "Collection" );
        colType.setTypesafe( false );
        colType.setTypeClass( Collection.class );
        builtinTypes.put( "java.util.Collection",
                          colType );

        TypeDeclaration mapType = new TypeDeclaration( "Map" );
        mapType.setTypesafe( false );
        mapType.setTypeClass( Map.class );
        builtinTypes.put( "java.util.Map",
                          mapType );
        TypeDeclaration activationType = new TypeDeclaration( "Activation" );
        activationType.setTypesafe( false );
        activationType.setTypeClass( Activation.class );
        builtinTypes.put( Activation.class.getCanonicalName(),
                          activationType );       

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        if ( pattern.getObjectType() instanceof ClassObjectType ) {
            Class< ? > cls = ((ClassObjectType) pattern.getObjectType()).getClassType();
            if ( cls.getPackage() != null && !cls.getPackage().getName().equals( "java.lang" ) ) {
                // register the class in its own package unless it is primitive or belongs to java.lang
                TypeDeclaration typeDeclr = context.getPackageBuilder().getAndRegisterTypeDeclaration( cls,
                                                                                                       cls.getPackage().getName() );
                context.setTypesafe( typeDeclr == null || typeDeclr.isTypesafe() );
            } else {
                context.setTypesafe( true );
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    protected List<String> getSettableProperties(RuleBuildContext context, PatternDescr patternDescr, Pattern pattern) {
        ObjectType patternType = pattern.getObjectType();
        if (!(patternType instanceof ClassObjectType)) return null;
        Class<?> patternClass = ((ClassObjectType)patternType).getClassType();
        TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = context.getPackageBuilder().getTypeDeclaration(patternClass);
        if (!typeDeclaration.isPropertyReactive()) {
            context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                    "Wrong usage of @" + Pattern.ATTR_LISTENED_PROPS + " annotation on class " + patternClass.getName() + " that is not annotated as @PropertyReactive" ) );
        return typeDeclaration.getSettableProperties();
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                                    final PatternDescr patternDescr,
                                    final Pattern pattern,
                                    final ExprConstraintDescr descr ) {
        if ( descr.getType() == ExprConstraintDescr.Type.POSITIONAL && pattern.getObjectType() instanceof ClassObjectType ) {
            Class< ? > klazz = ((ClassObjectType) pattern.getObjectType()).getClassType();
            TypeDeclaration tDecl = context.getPackageBuilder().getTypeDeclaration( klazz );

            if ( tDecl == null ) {
                context.addError(new DescrBuildError(context.getParentDescr(),
                        "Unable to find @positional definitions for :" + klazz + "\n"));

            ClassDefinition clsDef = tDecl.getTypeClassDef();
            if ( clsDef == null ) {
                context.addError(new DescrBuildError(context.getParentDescr(),
                        "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n"));

            FieldDefinition field = clsDef.getField( descr.getPosition() );
            if ( field == null ) {
                context.addError(new DescrBuildError(context.getParentDescr(),
                        "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n"));

            String expr = descr.getExpression();
            boolean isSimpleIdentifier = isIdentifier(expr);
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration

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