Package org.drools.rule

Examples of org.drools.rule.PredicateConstraint

        usedIdentifiers[1] = list;

        final Declaration[] previousDeclarations = new Declaration[]{a};
        final Declaration[] localDeclarations = new Declaration[]{b};

        final PredicateConstraint predicate = new PredicateConstraint( null,
                                                                       localDeclarations ); context,
                       predicateDescr );

        final RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           10 );

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           10 );
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( cheddar );
        final ReteTuple tuple = new ReteTuple( f0 );

        final PredicateContextEntry predicateContext = (PredicateContextEntry) predicate.createContextEntry();
        predicateContext.leftTuple = tuple;

        assertTrue( predicate.isAllowedCachedLeft( predicateContext,
                                                   stilton ) );

        cheddar.setPrice( 9 );
        wm.update( f0,
                   cheddar );

        assertFalse( predicate.isAllowedCachedLeft( predicateContext,
                                                    stilton ) );
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                     SortDeclarations.instance );

        boolean isJavaEval = isEvalExpression && context.getDialect() instanceof JavaDialect;

        if (isJavaEval) {
            final PredicateConstraint predicateConstraint = new PredicateConstraint( null,
                    requiredOperators );
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    public void testAlphaWithPredicate() {
        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new PredicateConstraint( null,
                                                                     null ),
                                            buildContext );
        ad.addObjectSink( al );
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        final MVELPredicateBuilder builder = new MVELPredicateBuilder();
        final Declaration[] previousDeclarations = new Declaration[]{a};
        final Declaration[] localDeclarations = new Declaration[]{b};

        final PredicateConstraint predicate = new PredicateConstraint( null,
                                                                       localDeclarations );
        AnalysisResult analysis = context.getDialect().analyzeExpression( context,
                                                                          new BoundIdentifiers( declarationResolver.getDeclarationClasses( (Rule) null ), new HashMap(), null, Cheese.class ) ); context,
                       new BoundIdentifiers( declarationResolver.getDeclarationClasses( (Rule) null ), new HashMap() ),
                       analysis );
        ( (MVELPredicateExpression) predicate.getPredicateExpression()).compile( (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkgRegistry.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" ) );

        final RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           10 );

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           10 );
        MockLeftTupleSink sink = new MockLeftTupleSink();
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( cheddar );
        final InternalFactHandle f1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( stilton );
        final LeftTuple tuple = new LeftTuple( f0, sink, true );

        final PredicateContextEntry predicateContext = (PredicateContextEntry) predicate.createContextEntry();
        predicateContext.leftTuple = tuple;
        predicateContext.workingMemory = wm;

        assertTrue( predicate.isAllowedCachedLeft( predicateContext,
                                                   f1 ) );

        cheddar.setPrice( 9 );
        wm.update( f0,
                   cheddar );

        assertFalse( predicate.isAllowedCachedLeft( predicateContext,
                                                    f1 ) );
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    public void testAlphaWithPredicate() {
        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new PredicateConstraint( null,
                                                                     null ),
                                            buildContext );
        ad.addObjectSink( al );
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        assertNotSame( rve1, rve3 );
        assertThat(rve1, not( equalTo( rve3 ) ) );
        // test inline eval
        PredicateConstraint pc1 = ( PredicateConstraint p1.getConstraints().get( 1 );
        PredicateExpression pe1 = ( PredicateExpression ) pc1.getPredicateExpression();

        PredicateConstraint pc2 = ( PredicateConstraint p2.getConstraints().get( 1 );
        PredicateExpression pe2 = ( PredicateExpression ) pc2.getPredicateExpression();
        assertNotSame( pe1, pe2 );
        assertEquals( pe1, pe2 );
        PredicateConstraint pc3 = ( PredicateConstraint p3.getConstraints().get( 1 );
        PredicateExpression pe3 = ( PredicateExpression ) pc3.getPredicateExpression();
        assertNotSame( pe1, pe3 );
        assertThat(pe1, not( equalTo( pe3 ) ) );
       // test eval
        EvalCondition ec1 = ( EvalCondition ) rule1.getLhs().getChildren().get( 1 );
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        builder1.addPackage( packageDescr1 );
        if ( builder1.hasErrors() ) {
           fail( builder1.getErrors().toString() );
        final Pattern pattern1 = (Pattern) builder1.getPackage().getRules()[0].getLhs().getChildren().get( 0 );
        final PredicateConstraint predicate1 = (PredicateConstraint) pattern1.getConstraints().get( 0 );

        final PackageBuilder builder2 = new PackageBuilder();
        final PackageDescr packageDescr2 = new PackageDescr( "package2" );
        createPredicateRule( packageDescr2,
                             "eval(x==y)" );
        builder2.addPackage( packageDescr2 );
        if ( builder2.hasErrors() ) {
            fail( builder2.getErrors().toString() );
        final Pattern pattern2 = (Pattern) builder2.getPackage().getRules()[0].getLhs().getChildren().get( 0 );
        final PredicateConstraint predicate2 = (PredicateConstraint) pattern2.getConstraints().get( 0 );

        final PackageBuilder builder3 = new PackageBuilder();
        if ( builder3.hasErrors() ) {
            fail( builder3.getErrors().toString() );
        final PackageDescr packageDescr3 = new PackageDescr( "package3" );
        createPredicateRule( packageDescr3,
                             "eval(x!=y)" );
        builder3.addPackage( packageDescr3 );
        final Pattern pattern3 = (Pattern) builder3.getPackage().getRules()[0].getLhs().getChildren().get( 0 );
        final PredicateConstraint predicate3 = (PredicateConstraint) pattern3.getConstraints().get( 0 );

        assertEquals( predicate1,
                      predicate2 );
        assertFalse( predicate1.equals( predicate3 ) );
        assertFalse( predicate2.equals( predicate3 ) );
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    public void testAlphaWithPredicate() {
        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new PredicateConstraint( null,
                                                                     null ),
                                            buildContext );
        ad.addObjectSink( al );
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        AlphaNode alphanode = (AlphaNode) node.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
        PredicateConstraint c = ( PredicateConstraint ) alphanode.getConstraint();
        assertTrue( c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof PredicateExpression );
        assertTrue( c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof CompiledInvoker );
        assertTrue( !(c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof MVELPredicateExpression ) );
        alphanode = (AlphaNode) alphanode.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
        ReturnValueRestriction r = (ReturnValueRestriction) (( VariableConstraint ) alphanode.getConstraint()).getRestriction();
        assertTrue( r.getExpression() instanceof ReturnValueExpression );
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        BetaNode betaanode = (BetaNode) node.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
        BetaNodeFieldConstraint[] constraint = ( BetaNodeFieldConstraint[] ) betaanode.getConstraints();
        PredicateConstraint c = ( PredicateConstraint ) constraint[0];
        assertTrue( c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof PredicateExpression );
        assertTrue( c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof CompiledInvoker );
        assertTrue( !(c.getPredicateExpression() instanceof MVELPredicateExpression ) );
        ReturnValueRestriction r = ( ReturnValueRestriction ) (( VariableConstraint )constraint[1]).getRestriction();
        assertTrue( r.getExpression() instanceof ReturnValueExpression );
        assertTrue( r.getExpression() instanceof CompiledInvoker );
        assertTrue( !(r.getExpression() instanceof MVELReturnValueExpression ) );       
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.PredicateConstraint

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