Package org.drools.definition.type

Examples of org.drools.definition.type.FactType

        try {
            // has to execute queued actions, as there might be pending
            // compilation data reloads
            for (Package pkg : this.pkgs.values()) {
                FactType type = pkg.getFactType( name );
                if (type != null) {
                    return type;
            return null;
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        // test kbase serialization
        kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase );

        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType cheeseFact = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Cheese" );

        // Create a new Fact instance
        Object cheese = cheeseFact.newInstance();

        // Set a field value using the more verbose method chain...
        // should we add short cuts?
        //        cheeseFact.getField( "type" ).set( cheese,
        //                                           "stilton" );

        cheeseFact.set( cheese,
                        "stilton" );
        assertEquals( "stilton",
                      cheeseFact.get( cheese,
                                      "type" ) );

        FactType personType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Person" );

        Object ps = personType.newInstance();
        personType.set( ps,
                        42 );

        Map<String, Object> personMap = personType.getAsMap( ps );
        assertEquals( 42,
                      personMap.get( "age" ) );

        personMap.put( "age",
                       43 );
        personType.setFromMap( ps,
                               personMap );

        assertEquals( 43,
                      personType.get( ps,
                                      "age" ) );

        // just documenting toString() result:
        //        assertEquals( "Cheese( type=stilton )",
        //                      cheese.toString() );

        // reading the field attribute, using the method chain
        assertEquals( "stilton",
                      cheeseFact.getField( "type" ).get( cheese ) );

        // creating a stateful session
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        Object cg = cheeseFact.newInstance();
        ksession.setGlobal( "cg",
                            cg );
        List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            result );

        // inserting fact
        ksession.insert( cheese );

        // firing rules

        // checking results
        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.size() );
        assertEquals( new Integer( 5 ),
                      result.get( 0 ) );

        // creating a person that likes the cheese:
        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType personFact = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Person" );

        // Create a new Fact instance
        Object person = personFact.newInstance();

        // Set a field value using the more verbose method chain...
        // should we add short cuts?
        personFact.getField( "likes" ).set( person,
                                            cheese );
        // demonstrating primitive type support
        personFact.getField( "age" ).set( person,
                                          7 );

        // just documenting toString() result:
        //        assertEquals( "Person( age=7, likes=Cheese( type=stilton ) )",
        //                      person.toString() );
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        // test kbase serialization
        kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase );

        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType pf = kbase.getFactType( "mortgages",
                                         "Applicant" );
        FactType af = kbase.getFactType( "mortgages",
                                         "LoanApplication" );

        Object person = pf.newInstance();
        pf.set( person,
                "OK" );

        Object application = af.newInstance();
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        ksession.insert( person );
        ksession.insert( application );

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        // test kbase serialization
        kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase );

        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType cheeseFact = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Cheese" );

        // Create a new Fact instance
        Object cheese = cheeseFact.newInstance();

        cheeseFact.set( cheese,
                        "stilton" );
        assertEquals( "stilton",
                      cheeseFact.get( cheese,
                                      "type" ) );

        // testing equals method
        Object cheese2 = cheeseFact.newInstance();
        cheeseFact.set( cheese2,
                        "stilton" );
        assertEquals( cheese,
                      cheese2 );

        FactType personType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Person" );

        Object ps = personType.newInstance();
        personType.set( ps,
                        "mark" );
        personType.set( ps,
                        "proctor" );
        personType.set( ps,
                        42 );

        Object ps2 = personType.newInstance();
        personType.set( ps2,
                        "mark" );
        personType.set( ps2,
                        "proctor" );
        personType.set( ps2,
                        30 );

        assertEquals( ps,
                      ps2 );

        personType.set( ps2,
                        "little" );

        assertFalse( ps.equals( ps2 ) );

        // creating a stateful session
        StatefulKnowledgeSession wm = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        Object cg = cheeseFact.newInstance();
        wm.setGlobal( "cg",
                      cg );
        List result = new ArrayList();
        wm.setGlobal( "list",
                      result );

        // inserting fact
        wm.insert( cheese );

        // firing rules

        // checking results
        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.size() );
        assertEquals( new Integer( 5 ),
                      result.get( 0 ) );

        // creating a person that likes the cheese:
        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType personFact = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Person" );

        // Create a new Fact instance
        Object person = personFact.newInstance();

        // Set a field value using the more verbose method chain...
        // should we add short cuts?
        personFact.getField( "likes" ).set( person,
                                            cheese );
        // demonstrating primitive type support
        personFact.getField( "age" ).set( person,
                                          7 );

        // just documenting toString() result:
        //        assertEquals( "Person( age=7, likes=Cheese( type=stilton ) )",
        //                      person.toString() );
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        List list = new ArrayList();
        session.setGlobal( "list",
                           list );

        FactType addressFact = ruleBase.getFactType( "" );
        Object address = addressFact.newInstance();
        session.insert( address );

        list = (List) session.getGlobal( "list" );
        assertEquals( 1,
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    public void testDeclareAndFrom() throws Exception {
        KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_DeclareWithFrom.drl" );
        FactType profileType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools",
                                                  "Profile" );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        Object profile = profileType.newInstance();
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        map.put( "internet",
                 Integer.valueOf( 2 ) );
        profileType.set( profile,
                         map );

        ksession.insert( profile );
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        final KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );

        // no package defined, so it is set to the default
        final FactType factType = kbase.getFactType( "defaultpkg",
                                                     "Person" );
        assertNotNull( factType );
        final Object bob = factType.newInstance();
        factType.set( bob,
                      "Bob" );
        factType.set( bob,
                      Integer.valueOf( 30 ) );

        final StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        final List results = new ArrayList();
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        // test kbase serialization
        kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase );

        // Retrieve the generated fact type
        FactType cheeseFact = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.generatedbeans",
                                                 "Cheese" );

        assertTrue( "Generated beans must be serializable",
                    Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( cheeseFact.getFactClass() ) );

        // Create a new Fact instance
        Object cheese = cheeseFact.newInstance();
        cheeseFact.set( cheese,
                        "stilton" );

        // another instance
        Object cheese2 = cheeseFact.newInstance();
        cheeseFact.set( cheese2,
                        "brie" );

        // creating a stateful session
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
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        KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBaseFromString( str );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();

        FactType asgType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools",
                                              "Assignment" );
        Object asg = asgType.newInstance();
        asgType.set( asg,
                     10 );
        asgType.set( asg,
                     10 );

        ksession.insert( asg );
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        KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBaseFromString( str );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();

        FactType asgType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools",
                                              "Assignment" );
        Object asg = asgType.newInstance();
        asgType.set( asg,
                     Object.class );
        asgType.set( asg,
                     Object.class );

        ksession.insert( asg );
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Related Classes of org.drools.definition.type.FactType

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