Package org.drools.core.reteoo

Examples of org.drools.core.reteoo.JoinNode


        Rete rete = ((KnowledgeBaseImpl)kbase).getRete();
        JoinNode joinNode = null;
        for (ObjectTypeNode otn : rete.getObjectTypeNodes()) {
            if ( String.class == otn.getObjectType().getValueType().getClassType() ) {
                joinNode = (JoinNode)otn.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
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        // force gc

        Rete rete = ((KnowledgeBaseImpl)kbase).getRete();
        JoinNode joinNode = null;
        for (ObjectTypeNode otn : rete.getObjectTypeNodes()) {
            if ( Integer.class == otn.getObjectType().getValueType().getClassType() ) {
                joinNode = (JoinNode)otn.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
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        // force gc

        Rete rete = ((KnowledgeBaseImpl)kbase).getRete();
        JoinNode joinNode = null;
        for (ObjectTypeNode otn : rete.getObjectTypeNodes()) {
            if ( Integer.class == otn.getObjectType().getValueType().getClassType() ) {
                joinNode = (JoinNode)otn.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
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        // force gc

        Rete rete = ((KnowledgeBaseImpl)kbase).getRete();
        JoinNode joinNode = null;
        for (ObjectTypeNode otn : rete.getObjectTypeNodes()) {
            if ( Integer.class == otn.getObjectType().getValueType().getClassType() ) {
                joinNode = (JoinNode)otn.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
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        // Check the network formation, to ensure the RiaNode is shared.
        ObjectTypeNode cheeseOtn = LinkingTest.getObjectTypeNode(kbase, Cheese.class);
        ObjectSink[] oSinks = cheeseOtn.getSinkPropagator().getSinks();
        assertEquals( 1, oSinks.length );

        JoinNode cheeseJoin = ( JoinNode ) oSinks[0];
        LeftTupleSink[] ltSinks = cheeseJoin.getSinkPropagator().getSinks();

        assertEquals( 1, ltSinks.length );
        RightInputAdapterNode rian = ( RightInputAdapterNode ) ltSinks[0];
        assertEquals( 2, rian.getSinkPropagator().size() );   //  RiaNode is shared, if this has two outputs
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        final RuleBaseConfiguration configuration = new RuleBaseConfiguration();

        InternalKnowledgeBase kBase2 = (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext(kBase2, kBase2.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator());

        this.node = new JoinNode(15, this.tupleSource, this.objectSource,
                                 new DefaultBetaConstraints(
                                         new BetaNodeFieldConstraint[]{this.constraint},
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        final MockObjectSource objectSource = new MockObjectSource( 1 );
        final MockTupleSource tupleSource = new MockTupleSource( 1 );

        InternalKnowledgeBase kBase = (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext( kBase, kBase.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator() );
        final JoinNode joinNode = new JoinNode( 2, tupleSource, objectSource,
                                                buildContext );

        final BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) workingMemory
                .getNodeMemory( joinNode );
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        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext( kBase, kBase.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator() );
        buildContext.setTupleMemoryEnabled( false );
        buildContext.setObjectTypeNodeMemoryEnabled( false );

        // override setup, so its working in sequential mode
        this.node = new JoinNode(
                                  new DefaultBetaConstraints(
                                                              new BetaNodeFieldConstraint[]{this.constraint}, conf ),
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        final StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl workingMemory = new StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl( 1, (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase() );

        InternalKnowledgeBase kBase = (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext( kBase, kBase.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator() );

        final JoinNode joinNode = new JoinNode( 1, this.tupleSource,
                                                this.objectSource, EmptyBetaConstraints.getInstance(),
                                                buildContext );

        // Add the first tuple sink and assert a tuple and object
        // The sink has no memory
        final MockLeftTupleSink sink1 = new MockLeftTupleSink( 2 );
        joinNode.addTupleSink( sink1 );

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle( 0, "string0" );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f0, this.node, true );

        joinNode.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                  workingMemory );

        final String string1 = "string1";
        final DefaultFactHandle string1Handle = new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       string1 );

        joinNode.assertObject( string1Handle,
                               workingMemory );

        assertLength( 1,
                      sink1.getAsserted() );

        // Add the new sink, this should be updated from the re-processed
        // joinnode memory
        final MockLeftTupleSink sink2 = new MockLeftTupleSink( 3 );
        assertLength( 0,
                      sink2.getAsserted() );

        joinNode.updateSink( sink2,
                             workingMemory );

        assertLength( 1,
                      sink2.getAsserted() );
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        final StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl workingMemory = new StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl(1, (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase());

        InternalKnowledgeBase kBase = (InternalKnowledgeBase) KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext( kBase, kBase.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator() );

        final JoinNode joinNode = new JoinNode(1, this.tupleSource,
                this.objectSource, EmptyBetaConstraints.getInstance(), buildContext);

        // Add the first tuple sink and assert a tuple and object
        // The sink has no memory
        final MockLeftTupleSink sink1 = new MockLeftTupleSink(2);

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle(0, "string0");

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl(f0, this.node, true);

        joinNode.assertLeftTuple(tuple1, this.context, workingMemory);

        final String string1 = "string1";
        final DefaultFactHandle string1Handle = new DefaultFactHandle(1, string1);

        ModifyPreviousTuples modifyPreviousTuples = new ModifyPreviousTuples(null, null, new EntryPointNode() );

        assertLength(0, sink1.getAsserted());

        joinNode.modifyObject(string1Handle, modifyPreviousTuples, contextPassNothing, workingMemory);
        assertLength(0, sink1.getAsserted());

        joinNode.modifyObject(string1Handle, modifyPreviousTuples, contextPass2And3, workingMemory);
        assertLength(0, sink1.getAsserted());

        joinNode.setRightDeclaredMask(new LongBitMask(9));
        joinNode.modifyObject(string1Handle, modifyPreviousTuples, contextPass2And3, workingMemory);
        assertLength(0, sink1.getAsserted());

        joinNode.setRightDeclaredMask(new LongBitMask(3));
        joinNode.modifyObject(string1Handle, modifyPreviousTuples, contextPass2And3, workingMemory);
        assertLength(1, sink1.getAsserted());

        joinNode.modifyObject(string1Handle, modifyPreviousTuples, contextPassAll, workingMemory);
        assertLength(2, sink1.getAsserted());
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.reteoo.JoinNode

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