protected QueryElementFactHandle createQueryResultHandle(PropagationContext context,
InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory,
Object[] objects) {
QueryElementFactHandle handle = null;
ProtobufMessages.FactHandle _handle = null;
if( context.getReaderContext() != null ) {
Map<TupleKey, QueryElementContext> map = (Map<TupleKey, QueryElementContext>) context.getReaderContext().nodeMemories.get( node.getId() );
if( map != null ) {
QueryElementContext _context = map.get( PersisterHelper.createTupleKey( leftTuple ) );
if( _context != null ) {
_handle = _context.results.removeFirst();
if( _handle != null ) {
// create a handle with the given id
handle = new QueryElementFactHandle( objects,
_handle.getRecency() );
} else {
handle = new QueryElementFactHandle( objects,
workingMemory.getFactHandleFactory().getAtomicRecency().incrementAndGet() );
return handle;