} else if ( name.equals( "agenda-group" ) ) {
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty(rule.getRuleFlowGroup())) {
rule.setAgendaGroup( attributeDescr.getValue() ); // don't override if RFG has already set this
} else {
if ( rule.getRuleFlowGroup().equals( attributeDescr.getValue() ) ) {
DroolsWarning warn = new RuleBuildWarning( rule, context.getParentDescr(), null,
"Both an agenda-group ( " + attributeDescr.getValue() +
" ) and a ruleflow-group ( " + rule.getRuleFlowGroup() +
" ) are defined for rule " + rule.getName() + ". Since version 6.x the " +
"two concepts have been unified, the ruleflow-group name will override the agenda-group. " );
context.addWarning( warn );
} else if ( name.equals( "activation-group" ) ) {
rule.setActivationGroup( attributeDescr.getValue() );
} else if ( name.equals( "ruleflow-group" ) ) {
rule.setRuleFlowGroup( attributeDescr.getValue() );
if ( ! rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( AgendaGroup.MAIN ) && ! rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( attributeDescr.getValue() ) ) {
DroolsWarning warn = new RuleBuildWarning( rule, context.getParentDescr(), null,
"Both an agenda-group ( " + attributeDescr.getValue() +
" ) and a ruleflow-group ( " + rule.getRuleFlowGroup() +
" ) are defined for rule " + rule.getName() + ". Since version 6.x the " +
"two concepts have been unified, the ruleflow-group name will override the agenda-group. " );
context.addWarning( warn );