public void cancel(PropagationContext context) {
// get all but last, as that we'll do via the BeliefSystem, for cleanup
// note we don't update negative, conflict counters. It's needed for the last cleanup operation
for ( LinkedListEntry entry = (LinkedListEntry) getFirst(); entry != getLast(); ) {
LinkedListEntry temp = (LinkedListEntry) entry.getNext(); // get next, as we are about to remove it
final LogicalDependency node = (LogicalDependency) entry.getObject();
node.getJustifier().getLogicalDependencies().remove( node );
remove( entry );
entry = temp;
LinkedListEntry last = (LinkedListEntry) getFirst();
final LogicalDependency node = (LogicalDependency) last.getObject();
node.getJustifier().getLogicalDependencies().remove( node );
beliefSystem.delete( node, this, context );
positiveFactHandle = null;
negativeFactHandle = null;