Package org.drools.brms.client.modeldriven.brl

Examples of org.drools.brms.client.modeldriven.brl.CompositeFieldConstraint

         * It will only put brackets in for the ones that aren't at top level.
         * This makes for more readable DRL in the most common cases.
        private void generateConstraint(FieldConstraint con, boolean nested) {
            if (con instanceof CompositeFieldConstraint) {               
                CompositeFieldConstraint cfc = (CompositeFieldConstraint) con;
                if (nested) buf.append( "( " );
                FieldConstraint[] nestedConstraints = cfc.constraints;
                for ( int i = 0; i < nestedConstraints.length; i++ ) {
                    generateConstraint( nestedConstraints[i] , true);
                    if (i < (nestedConstraints.length - 1)) {
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         * It will only put brackets in for the ones that aren't at top level.
         * This makes for more readable DRL in the most common cases.
        private void generateConstraint(FieldConstraint con, boolean nested) {
            if (con instanceof CompositeFieldConstraint) {
                CompositeFieldConstraint cfc = (CompositeFieldConstraint) con;
                if (nested) buf.append( "( " );
                FieldConstraint[] nestedConstraints = cfc.constraints;
                if (nestedConstraints != null) {
                    for ( int i = 0; i < nestedConstraints.length; i++ ) {
                        generateConstraint( nestedConstraints[i] , true);
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        p1.boundName = "p1";
        m.addLhsItem( p1 );

        FactPattern p = new FactPattern("Goober");
        m.addLhsItem( p );
        CompositeFieldConstraint comp = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR;
        p.addConstraint( comp );

        final SingleFieldConstraint X = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        X.fieldName = "goo";
        X.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.value = "foo";
        X.operator = "==";
        X.connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        X.connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint();
        X.connectives[0].constraintValueType = ConnectiveConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.connectives[0].operator = "|| ==";
        X.connectives[0].value = "bar";
        comp.addConstraint( X );

        final SingleFieldConstraint Y = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Y.fieldName = "goo2";
        Y.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        Y.value = "foo";
        Y.operator = "==";
        comp.addConstraint( Y );

        CompositeFieldConstraint comp2 = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp2.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_AND;
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q1.fieldName = "goo";
        Q1.operator = "==";
        Q1.value = "whee";
        Q1.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        comp2.addConstraint( Q1 );

        final SingleFieldConstraint Q2 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q2.fieldName = "gabba";
        Q2.operator = "==";
        Q2.value = "whee";
        Q2.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        comp2.addConstraint( Q2 );

        //now nest it
        comp.addConstraint( comp2 );

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        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.boundName = "y";
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons = new SingleFieldConstraint[2];
        y.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        y.constraintList.constraints = cons;
        cons[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        cons[1] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "make" );
        cons[0].fieldBinding = "qbc";
        cons[0].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[0].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "&",
                                                           "x" );
        cons[0].connectives[0].constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;
        other.boundName = "q";
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons2 = new SingleFieldConstraint[1];
        cons2[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList.constraints = cons2;

        //check the results for correct scope
        List vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons[0] );
        assertEquals( 1,
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         * It will only put brackets in for the ones that aren't at top level.
         * This makes for more readable DRL in the most common cases.
        private void generateConstraint(FieldConstraint con, boolean nested) {
            if (con instanceof CompositeFieldConstraint) {
                CompositeFieldConstraint cfc = (CompositeFieldConstraint) con;
                if (nested) buf.append( "( " );
                FieldConstraint[] nestedConstraints = cfc.constraints;
                if (nestedConstraints != null) {
                    for ( int i = 0; i < nestedConstraints.length; i++ ) {
                        generateConstraint( nestedConstraints[i] , true);
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        p1.boundName = "p1";
        m.addLhsItem( p1 );
        FactPattern p = new FactPattern("Goober");
        m.addLhsItem( p );
        CompositeFieldConstraint comp = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR;
        p.addConstraint( comp );
        final SingleFieldConstraint X = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        X.fieldName = "goo";
        X.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.value = "foo";
        X.operator = "==";
        X.connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        X.connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint();
        X.connectives[0].constraintValueType = ConnectiveConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.connectives[0].operator = "|| ==";
        X.connectives[0].value = "bar";
        comp.addConstraint( X );
        final SingleFieldConstraint Y = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Y.fieldName = "goo2";
        Y.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        Y.value = "foo";
        Y.operator = "==";
        comp.addConstraint( Y );

        CompositeFieldConstraint comp2 = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp2.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_AND;
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q1.fieldName = "goo";
        Q1.operator = "==";
        Q1.value = "whee";
        Q1.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        comp2.addConstraint( Q1 );
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q2 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q2.fieldName = "gabba";
        Q2.operator = "==";
        Q2.value = "whee";
        Q2.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        comp2.addConstraint( Q2 );
        //now nest it
        comp.addConstraint( comp2 );
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    public void testScopedVariablesWithCompositeFact() {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel();
        FactPattern p = new FactPattern();
        CompositeFieldConstraint cf = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        cf.addConstraint( new SingleFieldConstraint("x") );
        p.addConstraint( cf );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf = new SingleFieldConstraint("q");
        sf.fieldBinding = "abc";

        p.addConstraint( sf );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf2 = new SingleFieldConstraint("q");
        sf2.fieldBinding = "qed";
        cf.addConstraint( sf2 );
        m.addLhsItem( p );

        List vars = m.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals(1, vars.size());
        assertEquals("abc", vars.get( 0 ));
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        assertEquals( 1,
                      p.constraintList.constraints.length );
        assertEquals( x,
                      p.constraintList.constraints[0] );

        final CompositeFieldConstraint y = new CompositeFieldConstraint();

        y.addConstraint( new SingleFieldConstraint("y") );
        y.addConstraint( new SingleFieldConstraint("z") );       
        p.addConstraint( y );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      p.constraintList.constraints.length );
        assertEquals( x,
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        p1.boundName = "p1";
        m.addLhsItem( p1 );
        FactPattern p = new FactPattern("Goober");
        m.addLhsItem( p );
        CompositeFieldConstraint comp = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR;
        p.addConstraint( comp );
        final SingleFieldConstraint X = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        X.fieldName = "goo";
        X.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.value = "foo";
        X.operator = "==";
        X.connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        X.connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint();
        X.connectives[0].constraintValueType = ConnectiveConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        X.connectives[0].operator = "|| ==";
        X.connectives[0].value = "bar";
        comp.addConstraint( X );
        final SingleFieldConstraint Y = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Y.fieldName = "goo2";
        Y.constraintValueType = SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        Y.value = "foo";
        Y.operator = "==";
        comp.addConstraint( Y );

        CompositeFieldConstraint comp2 = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp2.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_AND;
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q1.fieldName = "goo";
        Q1.operator = "==";
        Q1.value = "whee";
        Q1.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        comp2.addConstraint( Q1 );
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q2 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q2.fieldName = "gabba";
        Q2.operator = "==";
        Q2.value = "whee";
        Q2.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        comp2.addConstraint( Q2 );
        //now nest it
        comp.addConstraint( comp2 );
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import org.drools.brms.client.modeldriven.brl.SingleFieldConstraint;

public class CompositeFieldConstraintTest extends TestCase {

    public void testCompositeType() {
        CompositeFieldConstraint con = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        assertEquals(null, con.compositeJunctionType);
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Related Classes of org.drools.brms.client.modeldriven.brl.CompositeFieldConstraint

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