public void testConvertWithSubClass() {
mapper = getMapper("recursivemappings.xml", "recursivemappings2.xml");
ClassAA testAA = createTestClassAA();
// the == is on purpose, we test that the referenced parent of the first item of the subs is the parent instance
// itself
ClassB testClassB = testAA.getSubs().iterator().next();
assertTrue(testClassB.getParent() == testAA);
ClassAAPrime testAAPrime = mapper.map(testAA, ClassAAPrime.class, null);
// testing the new dozer3.0 bi-directionnal reference through a set
assertEquals(testAA.getSubs().size(), testAAPrime.getSubs().size());
// the equality is true at the data level
ClassBPrime testClassBPrime = testAAPrime.getSubs().iterator().next();
// we want the referenced parent of the first item of the subs to be the parent instance itself
ClassBPrime testClassBPrime2 = testAAPrime.getSubs().iterator().next();