// Indent (setting provisional-distance-between-starts)
// Indent on direct pPr trumps indent in pPr in numbering, which trumps indent
// specified in a style. Well, not exactly, components which aren't set in
// the direct formatting will be contributed by the numbering's indent settings
Indent indent = new Indent(pPrDirect.getInd(), triple.getIndent());
if (indent.isHanging() ) {
indent.setXslFOListBlock(foListBlock, -1);
} else {
int numWidth = 90 * numChars; // crude .. TODO take font size into account
int pdbs = XsltFOFunctions.getDistanceToNextTabStop(conversionContext, indent.getNumberPosition(), numWidth,
pPrDirect.getTabs(), conversionContext.getWmlPackage().getMainDocumentPart().getDocumentSettingsPart());
indent.setXslFOListBlock(foListBlock, pdbs);
indentHandledByNumbering = true;
foBlockElement = document.createElementNS(XSL_FO,