// Okay, a bit of trickiness here. The dependsOnModule attribute is a reference
// to a collection Modules. However, at this stage of things, our objects
// aren't resolved, so if we use the wrapper interface to access this attribute,
// we won't get anything back. So, we have to drop down to the DMO level and
// access the attribute as named references.
ModuleDMO moduleDMO = (ModuleDMO) currentModule.getDmcObject();
if ( (moduleDMO.getModuleName() != null) && (!moduleDMO.getModuleName().equals("mvw")) ){
// If this isn't the mvw module, add the mvw module as a dependency, since all
// modules will require the eventBus.
Iterator<String> refs = moduleDMO.getDependsOnModule();
if (refs != null){
String ref = refs.next();
ConfigVersion cv = finder.getConfig(ref);
if (cv == null){