Package org.directwebremoting.extend

Examples of org.directwebremoting.extend.MethodDeclaration

        Calls calls = new Calls();

        // Which method are we using?
        call.findMethod(moduleManager, converterManager, inboundContext, 0);
        MethodDeclaration method = call.getMethodDeclaration();

        // Check this method is accessible
        accessControl.assertGeneralExecutionIsPossible(call.getScriptName(), method);

        // We are now sure we have the set of input lined up. They may
        // cross-reference so we do the de-referencing all in one go.
        catch (ConversionException ex)
            log.warn("Dereferencing exception", ex);
            throw new JsonpCallException("Error dereferencing call. See logs for more details.");

        // Convert all the parameters to the correct types
        Object[] params = new Object[method.getParameterTypes().length];
        for (int j = 0; j < method.getParameterTypes().length; j++)
            Class<?> paramType = method.getParameterTypes()[j];
            InboundVariable param = inboundContext.getParameter(0, j);
            Property property = new ParameterProperty(method, j);

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                // parameters that we will use to call it if we choose to use
                // that method.

                // Which method are we using?
                call.findMethod(moduleManager, converterManager, inctx, callNum);
                MethodDeclaration method = call.getMethodDeclaration();
                if (method == null)
                    log.warn("No methods to match " + call.getScriptName() + '.' + call.getMethodName());
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing method or missing parameter converters");

                // We are now sure we have the set of inputs lined up. They may
                // cross-reference so we do the de-referencing all in one go.
                // TODO: should we do this here? - why not earlier?
                // do we need to know the method before we dereference?

                // Convert all the parameters to the correct types
                int destParamCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;
                Object[] arguments = new Object[destParamCount];
                int inboundArgIndex = 0;
                for (int outboundArgIndex = 0; outboundArgIndex < destParamCount; outboundArgIndex++)
                    InboundVariable param;
                    if (method.isVarArgs() && outboundArgIndex + 1 == destParamCount)
                        param = inctx.createArrayWrapper(callNum, destParamCount);
                        param = inctx.getParameter(callNum, inboundArgIndex);

                    Property property = new ParameterProperty(method, outboundArgIndex);

                    // TODO: Having just got a property, shouldn't we call property.getPropertyType() in place of this?
                    Class<?> paramType = method.getParameterTypes()[outboundArgIndex];
                        arguments[outboundArgIndex] = converterManager.convertInbound(paramType, param, property);
                    catch (Exception ex)
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            Module module = moduleManager.getModule(call.getScriptName(), true);

            MethodDeclaration method = call.getMethodDeclaration();

            // Do we already have an error?
            if (method == null || call.getException() != null)
                return new Reply(call.getCallId(), null, call.getException());
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            Method method = Callback.class.getMethod("dataReturned", type);

            Property property = new ParameterProperty(new MethodDeclaration(method), 0);
            InboundVariable iv = data.getInboundVariable();
            Object callbackData  = converterManager.convertInbound(type, iv, property);

            Map<String, Callback<T>> callbackMap = (Map<String, Callback<T>>) session.getAttribute(KEY_TYPE);
            Callback<T> callback = callbackMap.remove(key);
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            Class<?>[] typeArray = paramTypes.toArray(new Class[paramTypes.size()]);

            MethodDeclaration method = module.getMethod(methodName, typeArray);

            Call call = new Call(null, scriptName, methodName);
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            int j = 0;
            while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                String type = st.nextToken();
                Class<?> clazz = LocalUtil.classForName(type.trim());
                ParameterProperty parentProperty = new ParameterProperty(new MethodDeclaration(method), paramNo);
                Property child = parentProperty.createChild(j);
                child = converterManager.checkOverride(child);
                Property replacement = new OverrideProperty(clazz);
                converterManager.setOverrideProperty(child, replacement);
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        buffer.append("<p>Replies from DWR are shown with a yellow background if they are simple or in an alert box otherwise.<br/>\n");
        buffer.append("The inputs are evaluated as Javascript so strings must be quoted before execution.</p>\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
            MethodDeclaration method = methods[i];
            String methodName = method.getName();

            // Is it on the list of banned names
            if (JavascriptUtil.isReservedWord(methodName))
                buffer.append("<li style='color: #88A;'>" + methodName + "() is not available because it is a reserved word.</li>\n");

            buffer.append("  " + methodName + '(');

            Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
            for (int j = 0; j < paramTypes.length; j++)
                Class<?> paramType = paramTypes[j];

                // The special type that we handle transparently
                if (LocalUtil.isServletClass(paramType))
                    String value = "";
                    if (paramType == String.class)
                        value = "\"\"";
                    else if (paramType == Boolean.class || paramType == Boolean.TYPE)
                        value = "true";
                    else if (paramType == Integer.class || paramType == Integer.TYPE || paramType == Short.class || paramType == Short.TYPE
                        || paramType == Long.class || paramType == Long.TYPE || paramType == Byte.class || paramType == Byte.TYPE)
                        value = "0";
                    else if (paramType == Float.class || paramType == Float.TYPE || paramType == Double.class || paramType == Double.TYPE)
                        value = "0.0";
                    else if (paramType.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType))
                        value = "[]";
                    else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType))
                        value = "{}";

                    buffer.append("    <input class='itext' type='text' size='10' value='" + value + "' id='p" + i + j + "' title='Will be converted to: " + paramType.getName() + "'/>");

                buffer.append(j == paramTypes.length - 1 ? "" : ", \n");
            buffer.append("  );\n");

            String onclick = (LocalUtil.isJavaIdentifierWithPackage(scriptName) ? scriptName : "dwr.engine._getObject(\"" + scriptName + "\")") + "." + methodName + "(";
            for (int j = 0; j < paramTypes.length; j++)
                if (!LocalUtil.isServletClass(paramTypes[j]))
                    onclick += "objectEval($(\"p" + i + j + "\").value), ";
            onclick += "reply" + i + ");";

            buffer.append("  <input class='ibutton' type='button' onclick='" + onclick + "' value='Execute'  title='Calls " + scriptName + '.' + methodName + "(). View source for details.'/>\n");

            buffer.append("  <script type='text/javascript'>\n");
            buffer.append("    var reply" + i + " = function(data)\n");
            buffer.append("    {\n");
            buffer.append("      if (data != null && typeof data == 'object') alert(dwr.util.toDescriptiveString(data, 2));\n");
            buffer.append("      else dwr.util.setValue('d" + i + "', dwr.util.toDescriptiveString(data, 1));\n");
            buffer.append("    }\n");
            buffer.append("  </script>\n");
            buffer.append("  <span id='d" + i + "' class='reply'></span>\n");

            // Print a warning if this method is overloaded
            boolean overloaded = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++)
                if (j != i && methods[j].getName().equals(methodName))
                    overloaded = true;
            if (overloaded)
                buffer.append("<br/><span class='warning'>(Warning: overloaded methods are not recommended. See <a href='#overloadedMethod'>below</a>)</span>\n");

            // Print a warning if the method uses un-marshallable types
            for (Class<?> paramType1 : paramTypes)
                if (!converterManager.isConvertable(paramType1))
                    buffer.append("<br/><span class='warning'>(Warning: No Converter for " + paramType1.getName() + ". See <a href='#missingConverter'>below</a>)</span>\n");

            if (!converterManager.isConvertable(method.getReturnType()))
                buffer.append("<br/><span class='warning'>(Warning: No Converter for " + method.getReturnType().getName() + ". See <a href='#missingConverter'>below</a>)</span>\n");

            // See also the call to getReasonToNotExecute() above
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                if (!allowImpossibleTests)
            methodDecls.add(new MethodDeclaration(checkProxiedMethod(method)));
        return methodDecls.toArray(new MethodDeclaration[0]);
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     * @see org.directwebremoting.extend.Module#getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>[])
    public MethodDeclaration getMethod(String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException
        Method method = checkProxiedMethod(creator.getType().getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes));
        return new MethodDeclaration(method);
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                String type = genericList[j].trim();
                Class<?> clazz = findClass(type);

                if (clazz != null)
                    Property parent = new ParameterProperty(new MethodDeclaration(method), i);
                    Property child = parent.createChild(j);
                    child = converterManager.checkOverride(child);
                    Property replacement = new OverrideProperty(clazz);
                    converterManager.setOverrideProperty(child, replacement);
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Related Classes of org.directwebremoting.extend.MethodDeclaration

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