
Examples of

                        if (kmd == null)
                            throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("057007",
                                mfmd.getFullFieldName(), key_field_name));

                        JavaTypeMapping ownerMapping = getMemberMapping(map_field_name);
                        JavaTypeMapping keyMapping = getMemberMapping(kmd.getName());

                        if (dba.supportsOption(RDBMSAdapter.NULLS_IN_CANDIDATE_KEYS) ||
                            (!ownerMapping.isNullable() && !keyMapping.isNullable()))
                            // If the owner and key fields are represented in this table then we can impose
                            // a unique constraint on them. If the key field is in a superclass then we
                            // cannot do this so just omit it.
                            if (keyMapping.getDatastoreContainer() == this &&
                                ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer() == this)
                                CandidateKey ck = new CandidateKey(this);

                                // This HashSet is to avoid duplicate adding of columns.
                                HashSet addedColumns = new HashSet();

                                // Add columns for the owner field
                                int countOwnerFields = ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                                for (int i = 0; i < countOwnerFields; i++)
                                    Column col = (Column) ownerMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField();

                                // Add columns for the key field
                                int countKeyFields = keyMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                                for (int i = 0; i < countKeyFields; i++)
                                    Column col = (Column) keyMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField();
                                    if (!addedColumns.contains(col))

                                if (candidateKeysByMapField.put(mfmd, ck) != null)
                                    // We have multiple "mapped-by" coming to this field so give a warning that this may potentially
                                    // cause problems. For example if they have the key field defined here for 2 different relations
                                    // so you may get keys/values appearing in the other relation that shouldn't be.
                                    // Logged as a WARNING for now.
                                    // If there is a situation where this should throw an exception, please update this AND COMMENT WHY.
                                        mfmd.getFullFieldName(), ownerMmd.getFullFieldName()));
                    else if (ownerMmd.getValueMetaData() != null && ownerMmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy() != null)
                        // Value field is stored in the key table
                        AbstractMemberMetaData vmd = null;
                        String value_field_name = ownerMmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy();
                        if (value_field_name != null)
                            vmd = cmd.getMetaDataForMember(value_field_name);
                        if (vmd == null)
                            throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("057008", mfmd));

                        JavaTypeMapping ownerMapping = getMemberMapping(map_field_name);
                        JavaTypeMapping valueMapping = getMemberMapping(vmd.getName());

                        if (dba.supportsOption(RDBMSAdapter.NULLS_IN_CANDIDATE_KEYS) ||
                            (!ownerMapping.isNullable() && !valueMapping.isNullable()))
                            // If the owner and value fields are represented in this table then we can impose
                            // a unique constraint on them. If the value field is in a superclass then we
                            // cannot do this so just omit it.
                            if (valueMapping.getDatastoreContainer() == this &&
                                ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer() == this)
                                CandidateKey ck = new CandidateKey(this);

                                // This HashSet is to avoid duplicate adding of columns.
                                HashSet addedColumns = new HashSet();

                                // Add columns for the owner field
                                int countOwnerFields = ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                                for (int i = 0; i < countOwnerFields; i++)
                                    Column col = (Column) ownerMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField();

                                // Add columns for the value field
                                int countValueFields = valueMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                                for (int i = 0; i < countValueFields; i++)
                                    Column col = (Column) valueMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField();
                                    if (!addedColumns.contains(col))

                                if (candidateKeysByMapField.put(mfmd, ck) != null)
                                    // We have multiple "mapped-by" coming to this field so give a warning that this may potentially
                                    // cause problems. For example if they have the key field defined here for 2 different relations
                                    // so you may get keys/values appearing in the other relation that shouldn't be.
                                    // Logged as a WARNING for now.
                                    // If there is a situation where this should throw an exception, please update this AND COMMENT WHY.
                                        mfmd.getFullFieldName(), ownerMmd.getFullFieldName()));
                        // We can only have either the key stored in the value or the value stored in the key but nothing else!
                        throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("057009", ownerMmd.getFullFieldName()));
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                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056052", valueClass.getName(), key_field_name));
            if (vkfmd == null)
                throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("056050", fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // Check that the key type is correct for the declared type
            if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(vkfmd.getType(), keyType, clr))
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056051",
                    fmd.getFullFieldName(), keyType, vkfmd.getType().getName()));

            // Set up key field
            String keyFieldName = vkfmd.getName();
            keyFieldNumber = vmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(keyFieldName);
            keyMapping = valueTable.getMemberMapping(vmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(keyFieldNumber));
            if (keyMapping == null)
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056053",
                    fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), valueType, keyFieldName));

            if (!keyMapping.hasSimpleDatastoreRepresentation())
                // Check the type of the mapping
                throw new NucleusUserException("Invalid field type for map key field: " + fmd.getClassName() + "." + fmd.getName());
            keysAreEmbedded = isEmbeddedMapping(keyMapping);
            keysAreSerialised = isEmbeddedMapping(keyMapping);

            mapTable = valueTable;
            if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null && ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer() != mapTable)
                // Value and owner don't have consistent tables so use the one with the mapping
                // e.g map value is subclass, yet superclass has the link back to the owner
                mapTable = ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer();
            // Key = PC, Value = field in key
            kmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(keyClass, clr);
            if (kmd == null)
                // Key has no MetaData!
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056069", keyType, fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // TODO This should be called keyvalueTable or something and not valueTable
            valueTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(keyType, clr);
            keyMapping  = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(keyType, clr).getIdMapping();
            keysAreEmbedded = false;
            keysAreSerialised = false;

            if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null)
                // 1-N bidirectional : The key class has a field for the owner.
                AbstractMemberMetaData kofmd = kmd.getMetaDataForMember(ownerFieldName);
                if (kofmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056067", fmd.getFullFieldName(),
                        ownerFieldName, keyClass.getName()));

                // Check that the type of the key "mapped-by" field is consistent with the owner type
                if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(kofmd.getType(), fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), clr))
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056068", fmd.getFullFieldName(),
                        kofmd.getFullFieldName(), kofmd.getTypeName(), fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName()));

                ownerFieldNumber = kmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(ownerFieldName);
                ownerMapping = valueTable.getMemberMapping(kofmd);
                if (ownerMapping == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("RDBMS.SCO.Map.InverseOwnerMappedByFieldNotPresent",
                        fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), keyType, ownerFieldName));
                if (isEmbeddedMapping(ownerMapping))
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056055",
                        ownerFieldName, keyType, kofmd.getTypeName(), fmd.getClassName()));
                // 1-N Unidirectional : The key class knows nothing about the owner
                ownerFieldNumber = -1;
                ownerMapping = valueTable.getExternalMapping(fmd, MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_EXTERNAL_FK);
                if (ownerMapping == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056056",
                        fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), keyType));

            AbstractMemberMetaData vkfmd = null;
            if (fmd.getValueMetaData() == null || fmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy() == null)
                if (vkfmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056057", keyClass.getName()));

            String value_field_name = fmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy();
            if (value_field_name != null)
                // check if value field exists in the ClassMetaData for the element-value type
                vkfmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForMember(keyClass, clr, value_field_name);
                if (vkfmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056059", keyClass.getName(), value_field_name));
            if (vkfmd == null)
                throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("056057", fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // Check that the value type is consistent with the declared type
            if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(vkfmd.getType(), valueType, clr))
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                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056052", valueClass.getName(), key_field_name));
            if (vkfmd == null)
                throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("056050", fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // Check that the key type is correct for the declared type
            if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(vkfmd.getType(), keyType, clr))
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056051",
                    fmd.getFullFieldName(), keyType, vkfmd.getType().getName()));

            // Set up key field
            String keyFieldName = vkfmd.getName();
            keyFieldNumber = vmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(keyFieldName);
            keyMapping = valueTable.getMemberMapping(vmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(keyFieldNumber));
            if (keyMapping == null)
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056053",
                    fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), valueType, keyFieldName));

            if (!keyMapping.hasSimpleDatastoreRepresentation())
                // Check the type of the mapping
                throw new NucleusUserException("Invalid field type for map key field: " + fmd.getClassName() + "." + fmd.getName());
            keysAreEmbedded = isEmbeddedMapping(keyMapping);
            keysAreSerialised = isEmbeddedMapping(keyMapping);

            mapTable = valueTable;
            if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null && ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer() != mapTable)
                // Value and owner don't have consistent tables so use the one with the mapping
                // e.g map value is subclass, yet superclass has the link back to the owner
                mapTable = ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer();
            // Key = PC, Value = field in key
            kmd = storeMgr.getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(keyClass, clr);
            if (kmd == null)
                // Key has no MetaData!
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056069", keyType, fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // TODO This should be called keyvalueTable or something and not valueTable
            valueTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(keyType, clr);
            keyMapping  = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(keyType, clr).getIDMapping();
            keysAreEmbedded = false;
            keysAreSerialised = false;

            if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null)
                // 1-N bidirectional : The key class has a field for the owner.
                AbstractMemberMetaData kofmd = kmd.getMetaDataForMember(ownerFieldName);
                if (kofmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056067", fmd.getFullFieldName(),
                        ownerFieldName, keyClass.getName()));

                // Check that the type of the key "mapped-by" field is consistent with the owner type
                if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(kofmd.getType(), fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), clr))
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056068", fmd.getFullFieldName(),
                        kofmd.getFullFieldName(), kofmd.getTypeName(), fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName()));

                ownerFieldNumber = kmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(ownerFieldName);
                ownerMapping = valueTable.getMemberMapping(kofmd);
                if (ownerMapping == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("RDBMS.SCO.Map.InverseOwnerMappedByFieldNotPresent",
                        fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), keyType, ownerFieldName));
                if (isEmbeddedMapping(ownerMapping))
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056055",
                        ownerFieldName, keyType, kofmd.getTypeName(), fmd.getClassName()));
                // 1-N Unidirectional : The key class knows nothing about the owner
                ownerFieldNumber = -1;
                ownerMapping = valueTable.getExternalMapping(fmd, MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_EXTERNAL_FK);
                if (ownerMapping == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056056",
                        fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), keyType));

            AbstractMemberMetaData vkfmd = null;
            if (fmd.getValueMetaData() == null || fmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy() == null)
                if (vkfmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056057", keyClass.getName()));

            String value_field_name = fmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy();
            if (value_field_name != null)
                // check if value field exists in the ClassMetaData for the element-value type
                vkfmd = storeMgr.getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForMember(keyClass, clr, value_field_name);
                if (vkfmd == null)
                    throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056059", keyClass.getName(), value_field_name));
            if (vkfmd == null)
                throw new ClassDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("056057", fmd.getFullFieldName()));

            // Check that the value type is consistent with the declared type
            if (!ClassUtils.typesAreCompatible(vkfmd.getType(), valueType, clr))
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