An ObjectManager has its own Level 1 cache. This stores objects against their identity. The Level 1 cache is typically a weak referenced map and so cached objects can be garbage collected. Objects are placed in the Level 1 cache during the transaction. The ObjectManagerFactory also has a Level 2 cache. This is used to allow cross-communication between ObjectManagers. Objects are placed in the Level 2 cache during commit() of a transaction. If an object is deleted during a transaction then it will be removed from the Level 2 cache at commit(). If an object is no longer enlisted in the transaction at commit then it will be removed from the Level 2 cache (so we remove the chance of handing out old data).
An ObjectManager has a single transaction (the "current" transaction). The transaction can be "active" (if begin() has been called on it) or "inactive".
When an object involved in the current transaction it is enlisted (calling enlistInTransaction()). Its' identity is saved (in "txEnlistedIds") for use later in any "persistenceByReachability" process run at commit. Any object that is passed via makePersistent() will be stored (as an identity) in "txKnownPersistedIds" and objects persisted due to reachability from these objects will also have their identity stored (in "txFlushedNewIds"). All of this information is used in the "persistence-by-reachability-at-commit" process which detects if some objects originally persisted are no longer reachable and hence should not be persistent after all.