if (config.getAppVersion() != null)
dbSanity.setVersionProvider(new ConstantVersionProvider(config.getAppVersion()));
// evaluate DB Sanity results
SanityCheckSuite suite = dbSanity.execute();
if (suite.countErredChecks() > 0)
LOGGER.error("Some checks resulted in SQL errors. " +
"If this is not a database connection problem, " +
"please contact Databene with a problem description");
else if (suite.getDefectCount() > 0)
System.out.println("Some data with new restrictions " +
"needs to be transformed before it can be migrated");
System.out.println("All data affected by restrictions can be migrated");
// scan through the checks and copy the defectCount to the corresponding StructuralChange
copyCheckResults(suite, schemaChange);
return suite.countErredChecks();