assertEquals(3, allObjects.size());
// find all objects that has the first entry equal to 'VALUE'.
ArrayList<String> searchList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Collection> searchResults = persist.getObjects(Collection.class, new Equal(searchList));
// ensure that there are two
assertEquals(2, searchResults.size());
// find all objects that has the first entry equal to 'ANOTHER VALUE'
searchList.add("ANOTHER VALUE");
searchResults = persist.getObjects(Collection.class, new Equal(searchList));
// ensure that there is one
assertEquals(1, searchResults.size());
// find all objects that has an entry equal to 'ANOTHER VALUE'
HashSet<String> unorderedSearchSet = new HashSet<String>();
unorderedSearchSet.add("ANOTHER VALUE");
searchResults = persist.getObjects(Collection.class, new Equal(unorderedSearchSet));
// ensure that there are two
assertEquals(2, searchResults.size());