// Create New
MInvoiceLine il = new MInvoiceLine (getCtx(), C_InvoiceLine_ID, getTrxName());
for (int i = 0; i < lcas.length; i++)
MLandedCostAllocation lca = lcas[i];
if (lca.getBase().signum() == 0)
double percent = lca.getBase().doubleValue() / totalBase;
String desc = il.getDescription();
if (desc == null)
desc = percent + "%";
desc += " - " + percent + "%";
if (line.getDescription() != null)
desc += " - " + line.getDescription();
// Accounting
ProductCost pc = new ProductCost (Env.getCtx(),
lca.getM_Product_ID(), lca.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), getTrxName());
BigDecimal drAmt = null;
BigDecimal crAmt = null;
if (dr)
drAmt = lca.getAmt();
crAmt = lca.getAmt();
FactLine fl = fact.createLine (line, pc.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_CostAdjustment, as),
getC_Currency_ID(), drAmt, crAmt);
// Cost Detail - Convert to AcctCurrency
BigDecimal allocationAmt = lca.getAmt();
if (getC_Currency_ID() != as.getC_Currency_ID())
allocationAmt = MConversionRate.convert(getCtx(), allocationAmt,
getC_Currency_ID(), as.getC_Currency_ID(),
getDateAcct(), getC_ConversionType_ID(),
getAD_Client_ID(), getAD_Org_ID());
if (allocationAmt.scale() > as.getCostingPrecision())
allocationAmt = allocationAmt.setScale(as.getCostingPrecision(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!dr)
allocationAmt = allocationAmt.negate();
// AZ Goodwill
// use createInvoice to create/update non Material Cost Detail
MCostDetail.createInvoice(as, lca.getAD_Org_ID(),
lca.getM_Product_ID(), lca.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(),
C_InvoiceLine_ID, lca.getM_CostElement_ID(),
allocationAmt, lca.getQty(),
desc, getTrxName());
// end AZ
log.config("Created #" + lcas.length);