Package org.codemap.util.geom

Examples of org.codemap.util.geom.Line2D$Double

        Shape shape = edge.getShape();
        if ((shape == null) || !(shape instanceof Line2D)) {
            shape = new Line2D.Double(n1.getLocation(), n2.getLocation());
        } else {
            Line2D line = (Line2D)shape;
            line.setLine(n1.getLocation(), n2.getLocation());
            //System.out.println(n1.getLocation() + ", " + n2.getLocation());
        return displayWidth;
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    //System.out.println("MixedCluster leafCluster " + leafCluster);
    Point2D onePt = leafCluster.getRenderedNode().getLocation();

    //twoPoint is a point between the parentPoint and the centerPoint
    Line2D parent2Center = new Line2D.Double(parentPt,;
    //System.out.println("MixedCluster parent2Center " + parentPt + " to " +;
    //System.out.println("MixedCluster: clus: " + clus + " " + clus.bounds);
    Point2D twoPt = GraphicsGems.closestIntersectBox(clus.bounds, parent2Center, parentPt);
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    Point2D parentPt = parent.getLocation();

//    twoPoint is a point between the parentPoint and the centerPoint
    Line2D parent2OneCenter = new Line2D.Double(parentPt,;
    Point2D onePt = GraphicsGems.closestIntersectBox(oneCluster.bounds, parent2OneCenter, parentPt);
    //System.out.println("Multiroot_clusterlayout " + oneCluster.bounds + " " + parent2OneCenter + " " + parentPt);
//    twoPoint is a point between the parentPoint and the centerPoint
    Line2D parent2TwoCenter = new Line2D.Double(parentPt,;
    Point2D twoPt = GraphicsGems.closestIntersectBox(twoCluster.bounds, parent2TwoCenter, parentPt);
    //System.out.println("onePt: " + onePt + " twoPt: " + twoPt);
    // figure out which leaf node is closer
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    Point2D bottomLeft = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX(), rect.getY()+rect.getHeight());
    Point2D bottomRight = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX()+rect.getWidth(),rect.getY()+rect.getHeight() );
    // top of rectangle
    Line2D top = new Line2D.Double(topLeft, topRight);
    closest = intersectSegments(line, top);
    closestDist = point.distance(closest);
    // left of rectangle
    Line2D left = new Line2D.Double(topLeft, bottomLeft);
    candidate = intersectSegments(line, left);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
      closestDist = candidateDist;
      closest = candidate;
    // right of rectangle
    Line2D right = new Line2D.Double(topRight, bottomRight);
    candidate = intersectSegments(line, right);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
      closestDist = candidateDist;
      closest = candidate;
    // bottom of rectangle
    Line2D bottom = new Line2D.Double(bottomLeft, bottomRight);
    candidate = intersectSegments(line, bottom);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
      closestDist = candidateDist;
      closest = candidate;
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   * @return the closest corner of rect measured from point
  public static Point2D closestCornerBox(Rectangle2D rect, Line2D line, Point2D point) {
    Point2D closest, candidate, furthest;
    double closestDist, candidateDist, furthestDist;
    Line2D closestLine, furthestLine;
    Point2D topLeft = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX(), rect.getY());
    Point2D topRight = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX()+rect.getWidth(), rect.getY());
    Point2D bottomLeft = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX(), rect.getY()+rect.getHeight());
    Point2D bottomRight = new Point2D.Double(rect.getX()+rect.getWidth(),rect.getY()+rect.getHeight() );
    //System.out.println("closestCornerBox: " + rect + " line1: " + line.getP1() + " line2: " + line.getP2()+ " point: " + point);
    // find the closest and furthest points of intersection
    // top of rectangle
    Line2D top = new Line2D.Double(topLeft, topRight);
    furthest = closest = GraphicsGems.intersectSegments(line, top);
    furthestDist = closestDist = point.distance(closest);
    closestLine = furthestLine = top;
    if (Double.isInfinite(furthestDist)) {
      furthestDist = -1;
    //System.out.println("1Closest :" + closest + " furthest: " + furthest);
    // left of rectangle
    Line2D left = new Line2D.Double(topLeft, bottomLeft);
    candidate = GraphicsGems.intersectSegments(line, left);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (!Double.isInfinite(candidateDist)) {
      if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
        closestDist = candidateDist;
        closest = candidate;
        closestLine = left;
      if (candidateDist > furthestDist) {
        furthestDist = candidateDist;
        furthest = candidate;
        furthestLine = left;
    //System.out.println("2Closest :" + closest + " furthest: " + furthest);
    // right of rectangle
    Line2D right = new Line2D.Double(topRight, bottomRight);
    candidate = GraphicsGems.intersectSegments(line, right);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (!Double.isInfinite(candidateDist)) {
      if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
        closestDist = candidateDist;
        closest = candidate;
        closestLine = right;
      if (candidateDist > furthestDist) {
        furthestDist = candidateDist;
        furthest = candidate;
        furthestLine = right;
    //System.out.println("3Closest :" + closest + " furthest: " + furthest);
    // bottom of rectangle
    Line2D bottom = new Line2D.Double(bottomLeft, bottomRight);
    candidate = GraphicsGems.intersectSegments(line, bottom);
    candidateDist = point.distance(candidate);
    if (!Double.isInfinite(candidateDist)) {
      if (candidateDist < closestDist) {
        closestDist = candidateDist;
        closest = candidate;
        closestLine = bottom;
      if (candidateDist > furthestDist) {
        furthestDist = candidateDist;
        furthest = candidate;
        furthestLine = bottom;
    //System.out.println("4Closest :" + closest + " furthest: " + furthest);

    // now we have the closest and furthest distances, check to see if the things that were
    // intersected are on opposite sides, or adjacent
    // if closest == furthest, it is the corner point
    if (closest == furthest)
      return null;
    assert(!Double.isInfinite(closestDist) && !Double.isInfinite(furthestDist));
    // if lines are adjacent
    Point2D adjacentPoint = areLinesAdjacent(closestLine, furthestLine);
    //System.out.println("Are lines adjacent: closestLine " + closestLine.getP1() + "," + closestLine.getP2() + " furthest: " + furthestLine.getP1() + "," + furthestLine.getP2());
    //System.out.println("adjacent? " + (adjacentPoint != null));
    // that adjacent point is the corner point!
    //System.out.println("ClosestPoint: " + closest + " point: " + point);
    if (adjacentPoint != null) {
      //System.out.println("GraphicsGems. closestCorner is a triangle.");
      return adjacentPoint;
    // we also want to return the corner point if the given point is on the rectangle itself
      // this is a degenerate case
    } else if (closest.equals(point)){
      //System.out.println("GraphicsGems. closestCorner handling triangle degeneracy.");
      // find those adjacent lines
      boolean foundOne = false;
      Line2D candidate1 = null;
      Line2D candidate2 = null;
      if (isPointOnLine(top, point )) {
        foundOne = true;
        candidate1 = top;
      if (isPointOnLine(bottom, point)) {
        if (foundOne) {
          candidate2 = bottom;
        else {
          candidate1 = bottom;
          foundOne = true;
      if (isPointOnLine(right, point)) {
        if (foundOne) {
          candidate2 = right;
        else {
          candidate1 = right;
          foundOne = true;
      if (isPointOnLine(left, point)) {
        if (foundOne) {
          candidate2 = left;
        else {
          candidate1 = left;
          foundOne = true;
      assert((candidate1 != null) && (candidate2 != null));
      // now find the adjacent lines
      Point2D onePt = areLinesAdjacent(candidate1, furthestLine);
      Point2D twoPt = areLinesAdjacent(candidate2, furthestLine);
      if (onePt == null) {
        assert(twoPt != null);
        return twoPt;
      } else {
        assert(onePt != null);
        return onePt;
    // if lines are opposite one another, find corner by doing area calculation
    } else {
      //System.out.println("GraphicsGems. closestCorner is a trapezoid.");
      // 1. compute area of rectangle
      double boxArea = rect.getWidth() * rect.getHeight();
      Line2D heightLine;//, otherLine;
      // 2. pick a line that is not closest or further line, call it the heightLine,
      //    (for the height of the trapezoid), call the remaining line the otherLine
      // note we know that the lines have to be opposite each other, so this make it easier
      if ((top != closestLine) && (top != furthestLine) && (bottom != closestLine) && (bottom != furthestLine)) {
        heightLine = top;
//        otherLine = bottom;       
      } else {
        heightLine = left;
//        otherLine = right;
      // 3. get adjacent point of closestLine and heightLine, to compute b1
      Point2D b1Point = areLinesAdjacent(closestLine, heightLine);
      assert (b1Point != null);
      double b1 = b1Point.distance(closest);
      // 4. get adjacent point of furthestLine and heightLine, to compute b2
      Point2D b2Point = areLinesAdjacent(furthestLine, heightLine);
      assert(b2Point != null);
      double b2 = b2Point.distance(furthest);
      // 5. compute height by getting length of heightLine
      double h = heightLine.getP1().distance(heightLine.getP2());
      // 6. compute area of trapezoid
      //System.out.println("b1: " + b1 + " b2: " + b2 + " h: " + h);
      double trapezoidArea = .5*(b1+b2)*h;
      //System.out.println( "boxArea :" + boxArea + " trapezoid Area: " + trapezoidArea);
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Related Classes of org.codemap.util.geom.Line2D$Double

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